Here is a picture of some baby I saw in my car today. She's pretty cute. Ok so maybe she's mine. That's right, who would have thought that half of me and half of Melissa could look so cute. What's that, you all expected this? Ok, well fine. (Sigh) she's growing so big so fast. It's speeding by. Slow down child! Parenting is awesome, but I don't think anyone can warn you enough. They need to write book about parenting called Everything they Forgot to Tell You. Only problem with this book being that they would have to update it every six months. They should make one of those for Marriage, too. Again, the update rate would be a little much to keep up with. In all seriousness though, life is awesome with my ladies. I couldn't ask for a better home life. My wife is the most incredible, beautiful, graceful, and patient woman in the entire world, and I love and appreciate her so much. I'm so thrilled that Katelyn was born in time for Mother's Day. I got her some nice stuff for tomorrow. Ok, well I hope she thinks it's nice stuff.

I haven't talked about my motorcycle in a while, but I have added a new part, so I thought I'd mention in. As you can see in the blurry picture (stupid cell phone), I have added a windshield to my Honda Rebel. I think it makes the little bike look a little bigger. It makes a huge difference on the highway, and I'm pretty sure it increases my gas mileage too. Of course at 75 mpg, I'm sure not hurting. I'm going to be using this bike a whole lot more in the future since I'll be driving to the Police Academy every day. It's not that much longer of a morning commute - probably about 35 minutes now instead of 7. Compared to some people I know that's a pretty short drive time, so I'm not complaining. I've been so blessed by other people that this windshield is the first upgrade I've actually had to pay for.
Sweetheart, you can skip this section if you want to, because you hear so much about these every day. I have new guns. I sold my Glock 23 and bought a Glock 22 and a Glock 27. For those of you that don't know (most of you), all three of the guns I just listed are all .40 caliber pistols. The 22 is the full size model, the 23 is the compact, and the 27 is the sub-compact. To recap in English, I got rid of the medium size and got the big and little sizes. I'm going to use them for my duty and back up weapons when I work for HPD. I have taken them to the range and they are wonderful. The Glock 27 is the smallest pistol Glock manufactures. It is TINY. I can hide it anywhere. Something I didn't include in the pictures is that the Glock 22 came with night sights. They look like regular sights in the daylight, but if you get them in dim lighting or no lighting, they glow a very nice green color.

Glock 22
So in other news, I have finally quit my job at Best Access Systems, and I couldn't be happier about it. After one month, I have been accepted into the Houston Police Academy. I'm so excited to finally be on the road to Law Enforcement. It's going to be six months before I'm on the streets, and a year until I can start doing extra jobs and fun stuff like that, but I'm working on it now. I was so tired of waiting. I can hardly believe that it's really happening. I will have more to post on the academy once it starts of course. I will keep you all updated.
I'm going to pick up dinner now (KFC, yummm), so I'll talk to you later.