Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Oh yeah, I have a blog!

Ok, so it's been like 16 months since I wrote a post. Embarrassing? Yeah a little. Tons of things have changed. Work is still going great, loving the job. Melissa is still heavily involved with MOPS and bible study. Katelyn is 3 and Ember will be 2 this September. We're still in an apartment, but we moved one building down to get a better floor plan. Moving is so much easier when you can just carry half of your crap over instead of loading everything in a grossly overpriced van that's been driven by half the people in your zip code. That being said, the move was not completely pain free, but we do have some awesome friends that were willing to spend (waste?) their evenings assisting us. I still have a couple boxes to empty. Yuck. On the bright side, if I never empty the boxes, I can always know where those certain items are.

So Osama Bin Laden got killed by US forces the other day. That was crazy. I was sitting in Chili's with a friend from small group when CNN made a special report, and Twitter exploded. Amazing and sad how few people quote Scripture on a daily basis, and how many people are suddenly able to recall tons of verses when it fits with their opinion on the matter of death. Am I glad he's dead? You bet. Am I celebrating his eternal torment and damnation? Absolutely not. He is not receiving any worse than you or I deserve, save for God's grace. I am thrilled that no one else can be hurt by such an evil man. Certainly another or ten will rise up in his place, but I believe the world is a better place without the man.

Anywho, so Ember is looking like such a toddler. She is still a shrimp, but look at her parents. I think Melissa was under 5 foot until she turned 24 :). Ok not that bad. Ember is becoming her own person more and more each day, but still so affected by her big sister. If Katelyn can do it, or can get away with it, Ember must try. That gets her in trouble more than she appreciates, but it's kinda cute, too. Katelyn is getting bigger each day as well. We were talking the girls through their ages and birthdays before dinner, and just saying that Katelyn's next birthday would be her fourth just blew me away. It goes way too fast. I still remember very vividly the day we brought her home from the hospital. Crazy.

It's 5:08 AM while I write this. Super early in the morning, or super late to be staying awake. The latter is my case today. Extra job from midnight to 6 AM once a week. Stinks the worst in the last hour (now), but then I head to the station while trying not to crash from exhaustion, and sleep for a few hours. Not even sure why I felt compelled to compose...curious :)

Have you ever watched anyone compete in the Ironman? I worked security for the event this past weekend in the Woodlands. One of the most amazing things I've ever seen. These people have to train for at least a year prior to the event, and at least twenty hours per week. Granted, first prize wins $100K, but that's a lot of effort for a 1/2500 chance at a chunk of cash. The swimming portion commenced around 6:50 AM, and the last runner passed my post at 1100 PM. Can you imagine swimming 2.4 miles and then hopping on a bicycle to Huntsville and back? Oh yeah, and then why don't you run a 26.2 mile marathon before catching your breath. These people are crazy. It must be such an amazing feeling to cross the finish line after a a day like that. Personally I don't think I could give up cheese burgers just to swim/bike/run that much.

I killed a Copperhead snake while working at the Ironman! Two different runners alerted us to a snake relaxing on the pathway, but on the first search we couldn't locate anything. The second look a few minutes later was more productive. I was just going to move the snake to a safer place across the street, but he tried to bite me. Two strikes from the expandable baton later, the snake hissed his last. Wasn't that big for a copperhead, but certainly big enough to cause a problem.

So this typing isn't helping me stay awake like I hoped it would. I'm getting worried about typing gibberish, so I'm going. Write more later.
