Monday, November 26, 2007

Finally At Home!!

Soo, yeah, it's been like a week since I last posted. How are you? How was Thanksgiving? Ours was pretty good. We finally did Thanksgiving correctly by only going to two houses instead of three. The last couple years we've gone to my parents, her parents, and my grandparents. You end up with a stomach waaaaaay too full of turkey and stuffing, and a strong hatred of everything that is Thanksgiving. I dunno, it was pretty good this year - we got my parents to come to her parents house. The get together at Nana and Papa's was great as usual, about 25 people, and lots of Mimosas. That's champagne and orange juice. Yyyyyuuuuummmmmmm. Time off was great too, went shooting on Tuesday, played Halo 3 for six hours on Wednesday, ate and had fun on Thursday, and hung out with Melissa's family on Friday. Saturday was good too, we spent like five hours getting new tires put on the Impala, went out to lunch at Ninfa's, and then went home and watched Die Hard 4 followed by like five hours of Grey's Anatomy. Wait, did I say that Saturday was fun?? Well, yeah, I did enjoy spending time with my wife - We really don't get enough time to just be together. Sunday was pretty nice enough even though we had to watch more Grey's, but James and Lynne came home from their trip, so we got to hang out with them for a while, and that was fun cuz we hadn't seen them in like five days.

It felt soooo weird to go back to work today. It's not every day you get a week off work. Didn't have a bad day at all - it went by quickly and actually went pretty well, but it seemed strange to not be home with my wife. Didn't really get to ride my bike this weekend either. Of course, that's not really surprising because it either rained or just was freezing cold all weekend.

Can you believe it's less than a month til Christmas? Just think, one month from today, we will have all taken back all the Christmas presents we didn't want. Actually, I should change that to all you people instead of "we" because I neeeeever take presents back. Yeah, I had two presents on my birthday that I was gonna take back, and I didn't ever take one of them back, and the other one took me almost a month to exchange for something else. Is it a bad thing to take gifts back? I don't really think so, but sometimes it can be very awkward if the gift was meant to be seen by the gift-giver. For example, if someone gives you a watch, you can't go get a different watch or just go exchange it for cash. If you are given a CD or a book, that you can usually get away with exchanging because what, are they gonna come over and ask for proof that you still have that thing? Well, they might, but that would be rude and you could call them out on that. Seriously, do it. Later!



Anonymous said...

Hmm, good question. Though, I think I've only exchanged presents that were clothing so I could get a different size. Otherwise I just keep it.

Anonymous said...

Talking of which, did you ever return that CD I got you? Sheesh, I'm the worse present-giver ever.

That reminds me of Darcy in Bridget Jones' Diary, who always wears these reindeer sweaters when his mother gives them to him. :)

Lynne said...

I've returned clothes that don't fit...but I think that's it.

I like presents so much, I keep it usually. *grin*

Melissa said...

So your poll about holidays doesn't list my favorite, Easter! ...And no, it doesn't have beer.

James said...

One year I returned every gift I got to buy something I really wanted.

Anonymous said...

You've never done an Anglican Easter after Lent, Melissa!!