So Melissa calls me the other night, and says "Baaaaby?". I'm already thinking, "Oh great, what now?" She says, "can I have two kittens?" My first response was ".............................oooookaaaaayyyy..." See, typically, my wife hates cats. She maintains that she still does, but that these are kittens, so they're ok. I keep trying to remind her that they will turn into cats, but whatever. They are awfully cute. I'll try to get some pics up tonight or tomorrow.
On the cats-er, kittens. They are adorable. One is white, the other black and grey with a hint of brown. They have gorgeous eyes, and are very sweet. We were lucky, because they are potty trained, and I only wasted one old pair of jeans figuring out that they expect a litter box. Also, kittens looooooooove artificial Christmas trees. The black one has been in the tree almost nonstop since we brought them inside. This is a very cute sight to see, and I'll have to get a picture of that in here too, it's just that when he's up there (Oh, yeah, they're BOTH males) he's knocking ornaments off the tree so he and his brother can play with them. I caught them trying to eat a rocking horse this morning (shakes head). If you've noticed, I have mentioned names yet, and it's because we can't think of any yet. If you have suggestions, I'll be taking them through the end of the week, so feel free to leave a comment. We've tried a few ideas, but I'm just not liking any of them. It will probably help once I get pictures up, so stay tuned.
In other notes, how 'bout this weather? It's WONDERFUL. Except for mornings. Mornings are cold. I hate cold. I bundle up as much as I can, but it's never quite enough to stop my hands and legs from freezing. It's terrific in the afternoon when the sun is shining. I go on a ride to nowhere just to enjoy the weather. Riding home is a little chilly again, but not near as bad as in the morning time.
I just realized I forgot to mention a very important incident. James and Lynne (and Isaac) Singleton are the proud owners of a house! YAY! They bought it the week after Thanksgiving, and they are moved in. It is a really nice house with lots more room than their apartment, and it's in Jersey Village, so they have a nice neighborhood. We've been over a few times now to help out. Sooo very cool, and we are so happy for our good friends to finally have a real place. Apartments are nice, but not as nice as having a house. Of course, now James has a lawn to mow... ha ha.
So to sum this post up, I need cat names, it's cold outside, and hooray for the Singletons. Later,
But they're so CUTES! :)
Sweet. I decided that when I get out on my own, I really don't want any pets, because they're a pain, but I guess cats/kittens are a little less maintence than dogs. But I wouldn't know. I've never had a cat/kitten.
Names... haha. I was thinking of giving you some Old Testament names but almost everyone is ungodly in there, haha. You could go with like Joab, Samson, Ehud, Elijah or something sweet like that...
Awesome. Congrats to the Singleton's! By the way, I didn't know that was their last name. Cool.
I guess I never thought of my last name as groovy...I love it, but groovy? Hmm. I like that.
Yeah, I won't comment on the kitten/gonna be cats one day...they were very cute...but I'm not loving the whole pet idea. Not right now anyway...
I'm thinking of names, but I still maintain that Chocolate and Vanilla, and call them Chucky and Van would be neat. Ha. No, seriously, please don't do that.
so cutes?
I like Deitrich for a cat :-p
Calvin & Hobbes
Sonic & Tails
Beetle & Bailey
Peter & Pan
Morgan & Fantastic
So this is my official home newlestter. I'm so excited for James and Lynne and Isaac!
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