Wednesday, February 6, 2008



Stupid, stupid.

I had jury duty today. Jury duty is stupid. I had to get up at 5:30 this morning just so I could get downtown by 7:15. I then proceeded to sit in a chair at 1019 congress until 11 am. I met no new people, because who knows what kind of serial killer could be sitting next to you. On the bright side, I was able to read four chapters of a pretty good Star Wars book. You know, when they need people, thats when they should randomly select people and bring them in. Why do they have to call 500 people in if they're only going to use 200 of them? Plus, they didn't even randomly select us, they just starting picking entire groups of numbers, and they went IN ORDER!! Where's the randomness? Why couldn't they have just picked those numbers right off the bat, and called those people in? You know what else I figured out? They have multiple shifts of jurors coming in. I was in the 8am group, and then they had a 12pm group, and then they probably had a 4pm group. That's like 1500 people out of which only 600 are used. WHAT THE HECK???? Plus, you know what, not even all of those 600 were used. They would call like 24 people to go over to one court, then they weed through them and use only 6!! Soooooo stupid. I don't like that. Aaaaand, they only pay you 6 freaking bucks for your service. I made $1.25/hr sitting there reading my book. They should at least pay you minimum wage. Government. Ha. Timewasters is more like it. Stupid stupid stupid.

What a day - this week is taking forEVER. When will the insanity end??? Some weeks (thankfully not very many) are just like this - everything bad seems to come together and hit me all at once. Yes, I am rich and far more fortunate than many people all over the world, so I have tons of stuff to be grateful for.

To be honest, I had one other external reason for posting today. Lynne threatened to hurt Melissa and me if we didn't post soon, so here I be posting. Have a great day. Later,



Lynne said...

Thank you! My blog sustenance quota for the day has been met. Sorry for your stupid stupid stupid day.


Anonymous said...

Yay for stupid days! =)

I kinda want to do be called for Jury Duty. Someday. I dunno why. Just cuz really.


By the way, it is nice to read what you have to say everyonce in a while(to echo Lynne a little bit.)