You've got to check out this link - it's gonna be the most awesome computer ever.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Thursday (almost Friday!......But not)
Found the coolest quote today on Gmail. Check this out:
Don Marquis - "Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday."
That totally describes how I like to look at life. Of course, being a responsible husband, I try not to procrastinate on important things like bills and date nights, but still, in general, I am a terrible procrastinator. Heck, I meant to write this post yesterday. :)
Why do we procrastinate? What pops up in our day that is so much more important? Or is it that we just don't want to do something so we put it off until it just can't wait anymore? I mean, if we would just do what we have to do when we first get it, then it would be done and out of the way and we wouldn't have to stress over it anymore. That's what our parents would tell us at least, but then they aren't here, are they? (NO)
Anyway, enough of that. Got to work today and realized something very profound: I don't want to be here! I know, it's shocking. Why on earth wouldn't I want to work in a place where the lady sitting next to me hates my existence, and almost every customer I take an order from is upset with me? Sounds like a terrific place to work, doesn't it? Yeah, I am so ready to be gone, but without something to replace the income, I can't leave. Oh well, someday hopefully soon.
Anyone going to the gun show next weekend? It's gonna be awesome. I'm taking my 1911 and trading it in for a Glock 23. Yeah, I'm going down a caliber, but .40 is sooo much cheaper than .45 right now. I hate it, but it is, and I need to save money. Plus Glocks are better guns - you don't have to tear them apart like a 1911 to clean them, and you don't have to clean them near as often. If I wear my 1911 on a hot day, I have to clean it when I get home so it won't rust, plus the finish is already wearing off, and a
Glock won't do that for a long time. I've only had my 1911 for a year. Now don't get me wrong, I love my .45 to death. I can shoot a 1" group at 45 feet with no problem, and I love carrying it, but it is also getting too hard to hide such a big gun in the hot summer months. If I could afford to just buy a Glock and keep my 1911, I would, but I haven't been to the shooting range in over two months because I don't want to spend $13 a box on ammo. It's time for a change. In a couple years, I'll go buy another 1911, but for now I'm excited to get a Glock.

Anyone doing anything fun this summer? Doesn't look like we will. Just work and school. Oh well. If anyone has a better idea, let me know PLEASE.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Workday Stress
Ok, so on Yahoo this morning I read a tab that says: "6 Ways to Reduce Day-to-Day Stress". What are they talking about?? Stress is part of the work day!! I don't think they would call it work if it wasn't stressful. And you know what? I think the whole article was just put there to poke fun at the working class of America. The first step? CUT OUT CAFFEINE!! Who the heck put that one in there?!?!?! Like that's ever gonna happen. We survive on caffeine! I'm drinking my second cup of coffee right now for Pete's sake! Step Two? Meditation. Oh yeah, that's great, I'm gonna calm my mind and just think quietly. Think about what? About all the crap I gotta do today! Yes, I see, I'm feeling much more relaxed already! Step number Three, Take a Breather. Hmmm, (inhale)..............................(exhale). Yes, they're right, just exhale the stress away. Wave goodbye as it floats of into Stress Heaven. Sheesh, this had to be written by a Yoga nut or something. Next?? (I know you're loving this) Cleanse the Clutter! Give away anything you haven't used in the last six months. I agree. Therefore, I will be donated half of my workload to the nearest homeless shelter. Let's give every bum a stack of paper to file! **Side note, I feel very sorry for the homeless and would give them all a place to live if I could, but I can't, so I'm temporarily using them to illustrate the ludicracy of this article.** Step number Five: Lighten Your Schedule. I really do love this one. I'm just gonna start telling every other person I talk to that I don't have time to handle their issues. It's gonna be great! Sorry, I'm trying to lighten my schedule to reduce stress, and I just don't have time to deal with you! Ahh, now this is stress-relieving! Number Six is the kicker here. Reframe Your Perspective - focus on what causes you stress and respond to it differently. Ok, hmmmm, well, I think that just about every aspect of my job causes me stress, so..... I guess I should respond differently. Hmmmm, now how should I do that? Oh, I know! I QUIT!!!
*Disclaimer: I am not really quitting my job, but whoever wrote that article doesn't have a real job, or they'd understand that stress in the work place never goes away. Later!!
*Disclaimer: I am not really quitting my job, but whoever wrote that article doesn't have a real job, or they'd understand that stress in the work place never goes away. Later!!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
My wife makes the best cookies in the whole world. She just does! There's no sense denying it because it's true. Just wanted to get that out in the open so everyone knows.
Sleeping In
Ever slept in and just not cared? That happened to me today...almost. My wife bolted out of bed today and said "oh my gosh we overslept!" I sat up thinking, "oh well, the bed feels good and I'm comfortable." I then looked at the clock. She had overslept, I had not. She has to leave earlier than me to get to her job since it's farther away. With that thought, I collapsed back into my pillow and conked out for ten more minutes. It didn't really feel like Tuesday today. Not sure what day it does feel like, but not a Tuesday.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Monday (again) (they show up sooo fast!!)
Did everyone have just a fantastic weekend? Mine was alright - thanks for asking! We didn't do a whole lot. Sold some stuff on eBay, that was exciting. Played some frisbee golf. Ever wonder why we schedule so many things to do over the weekend? I mean seriously. I always look forward to the weekend, and think how wonderful it will be to do nothing but relax. Inevitably, by the time the weekend shows up, I have both days planned out completely. I usually don't spend any time at home on saturday, and on Sunday, we go to church, then probably someone's place for lunch, and then hang out with them or someone else, and before you know it, it's time for bed again! Then back off to work like the weekend never happened. It's starting to feel like we're not even getting a weekend because we save everything we can't get to during the week and then do it on the weekend! Not cool. Of course, what am I saying? I've tried having days where I literally have nothing to do, and I can't stand it!
You know what's really really fun? Looking for a second job. I'm doing that right now. You think finding a normal job is easy? Try finding a job that you can do when you're not working your normal job! You think it sounds easy don't you? It's like this, I work 7:30 - 4:30 Monday through Friday, and soon I might start working Saturdays too, and at the same time, i'm trying to find another job that I can work another 40 hours/week at. Lots of people do it, I know, but it doesn't mean we have to be happy about it, does it? Well, I'll be happy if it means my wife can quit working - that would be fantastic. Then we can start having kids - that's the main goal right now. That, and me getting into Houston Police Dept. Just have to finish getting my 60 college hours (only 3 left!). Better get back to work. Later!
Did everyone have just a fantastic weekend? Mine was alright - thanks for asking! We didn't do a whole lot. Sold some stuff on eBay, that was exciting. Played some frisbee golf. Ever wonder why we schedule so many things to do over the weekend? I mean seriously. I always look forward to the weekend, and think how wonderful it will be to do nothing but relax. Inevitably, by the time the weekend shows up, I have both days planned out completely. I usually don't spend any time at home on saturday, and on Sunday, we go to church, then probably someone's place for lunch, and then hang out with them or someone else, and before you know it, it's time for bed again! Then back off to work like the weekend never happened. It's starting to feel like we're not even getting a weekend because we save everything we can't get to during the week and then do it on the weekend! Not cool. Of course, what am I saying? I've tried having days where I literally have nothing to do, and I can't stand it!
You know what's really really fun? Looking for a second job. I'm doing that right now. You think finding a normal job is easy? Try finding a job that you can do when you're not working your normal job! You think it sounds easy don't you? It's like this, I work 7:30 - 4:30 Monday through Friday, and soon I might start working Saturdays too, and at the same time, i'm trying to find another job that I can work another 40 hours/week at. Lots of people do it, I know, but it doesn't mean we have to be happy about it, does it? Well, I'll be happy if it means my wife can quit working - that would be fantastic. Then we can start having kids - that's the main goal right now. That, and me getting into Houston Police Dept. Just have to finish getting my 60 college hours (only 3 left!). Better get back to work. Later!
Thursday, June 21, 2007

That about says it; I love my wife! She is always SO wonderful to me. It literally doesn't matter what I do, she is still gracious and wonderful to me. That's one reason I married her - she's the only one on this earth who's willing to put up with me (If you've known me for any amount of time, you know it's true). Know what else is great? She's beautiful! Wonderfully beautiful. Doesn't matter what she's doing or where she is or what she's wearing. She always looks fantastic. Always such a sweet person to me and everyone else she meets. If you watch her for long enough, she'll probably do or say something funny. She's just so wonderful. I love my wife.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
I Need Some Opinions On This...

If you see a guy walking down the street with a PINK shirt on, do you think he's gay? Perhaps a little fruity? I can't decide. I've seen some guys with a pink shirt and think "Where's your dress, dude?" and then others where they look normal. Is the color pink still associated with girls, and the color blue still associated with boys? Or is that only from 1st through 5th grade? Hmmm... I dunno. Either way, you won't catch me dead in a pink anything.
Can you believe this week is only half over? How long does it take to get five days out of the way?! Everybody always says "hey, it's wednesday, week's half over!" Well, what if I want the week all the way over? Not good enough. On the bright side, it was thundering and raining when I woke up this morning, I got wet walking in to work, and I'm out of breakfast food! It's gonna be a great day!
Ever read Pearls Before Swine? It's my favorite cartoon series, so I get an email every day with the latest one. This is just an example of how HiLaRiOuS they are!! Check it out!!
In all seriousness, it probably will be a pretty good day. My best friend is coming over tonight to help me fix the front seat in my wife's car (I broke it). That will be nice to get done. Also, So You Think You Can Dance comes on tonight, so both our wives will be happy. It's a great show, but I don't always care to watch it.
Well my family left for Mexico today on a mission trip. You know, it's funny - when I was living at home, the three of them would never leave at the same time. One of my parents would always stay behind (usually my dad) so they could keep an eye on me. Now that I'm married and out of the house, they feel free to leave all together. Now that I have a wife to keep an eye on me, I guess they don't have to worry about me getting in trouble. Sheesh.

Anyone have exciting plans for this upcoming weekend? I plan on doing absolutely nothing. Well, maybe going to the shooting range because I haven't been in like a month and a half and I'm going through withdrawal! Later!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
World Records
Did you know that the world record for the Most Cockroaches eaten is held by a guy in the UK? He ate 36 hissing cockroaches in 1 minute! That's disgusting. You gotta wonder why these people feel the need to do such things. If I was gonna beat a world record, I'd be going for like the fast car, or highest free fall or something, but eating cockroaches? Bleh. No thanks!
Monday, June 18, 2007
Ever have a friend or group of friends that was more important to you than anyone else in the world (with the exception of course, of family)?? Have you ever told them how much they mean to you? You should try doing that and see how special it makes them feel. You would probably make their week. Think about how much you'd appreciate hearing that from one of your best friends, and try to put those emotions into words and tell your friend. maybe you could just take them out for lunch or something, or if you're extremely informal like me, just call 'em up! Lemme know how that goes!
Alright folks, it's Monday morning again. Who had a good weekend? Anyone? ...Ok, well neither did I. I mean, it was alright - worked a little bit, hung w/some friends, spent time with the wife and both sets of parents, but nothing spectacular happened. A good weekend for me is when something new and exciting comes along (usually a positive new thing), or if I get to go to the shooting range (I have a .45), or if I don't have to work. Of course, this weekend, I didn't have to work at all, and I ended up working for free. I'm getting transfered to a new department, and I'll be doing a different job, so I went in for training. Did I know I wouldn't get paid? Of course I knew! But I wanted to build a good rapport with my new boss and fellow employees. I think I succeeded.
Working on the weekends isn't all that bad except when it's at the end of a 40+ hr. workweek and you're going to school on top of that. Then at the end of your weekend, you realize you didn't even have much of a weekend, and then you're stressed again before the new week has even started. At least, that's how I feel.
Got my first exam tonight in my second summer class. I've had 6 quizzes so far, and they just keep getting harder. I mean it, my grades keep going down 10 points each quiz - I gotta fix that quick before I start getting failing grades. Oy.
Anybody got some crazy news from last week? Around here, one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Four teenagers aged 13 to 17 stole one of their parents' cars and went for a joyride at 4:30 in the morning!! They crossed a train crossing and got smashed by a train they didn't watch for, and I think all four of them died. The parents are trying to sue the railroad company for not putting a light at the crossing!! What the heck were those kids doing out on the road at 4:30 AM??!! That's just a load of crap from the parents. If they had really parented their kids, they might still be alive, and it's an even bigger load of crap when someone tries to make money off their relative's poor decision. Like when someone dies trying to kill a cop, and his surviving relatives try to sue the state for millions, it's like, your relative was trying to KILL a Law Enforcement Officer! If they hadn't been breaking the law, they'd be alive!! Don't try to capitalize off their bad choices. Oh well, what is my opinion gonna do about it? Nothing cuz people don't listen. Well, perhaps you're listening (I have no idea if anybody even reads these rantings!).
Working on the weekends isn't all that bad except when it's at the end of a 40+ hr. workweek and you're going to school on top of that. Then at the end of your weekend, you realize you didn't even have much of a weekend, and then you're stressed again before the new week has even started. At least, that's how I feel.
Got my first exam tonight in my second summer class. I've had 6 quizzes so far, and they just keep getting harder. I mean it, my grades keep going down 10 points each quiz - I gotta fix that quick before I start getting failing grades. Oy.
Anybody got some crazy news from last week? Around here, one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Four teenagers aged 13 to 17 stole one of their parents' cars and went for a joyride at 4:30 in the morning!! They crossed a train crossing and got smashed by a train they didn't watch for, and I think all four of them died. The parents are trying to sue the railroad company for not putting a light at the crossing!! What the heck were those kids doing out on the road at 4:30 AM??!! That's just a load of crap from the parents. If they had really parented their kids, they might still be alive, and it's an even bigger load of crap when someone tries to make money off their relative's poor decision. Like when someone dies trying to kill a cop, and his surviving relatives try to sue the state for millions, it's like, your relative was trying to KILL a Law Enforcement Officer! If they hadn't been breaking the law, they'd be alive!! Don't try to capitalize off their bad choices. Oh well, what is my opinion gonna do about it? Nothing cuz people don't listen. Well, perhaps you're listening (I have no idea if anybody even reads these rantings!).
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Title Explanation
Like the title? It comes from spending 4 years in customer service. I know other people who have spent many more years than that, but it's not for me, so I'm allowed to complain. DONT WORRY! I'm not going to in this blog, I just wanted to put that title because I figured it would grab someone's attention. (Just in case you were wondering, the answer to that question is a huge resounding NO). I've never done this blogging thing before, but I enjoy writing when I get to choose the topic, so maybe this will be fun... No idea who's even gonna be reading this, so if you've made it this far, I hope you're not bored yet! More to come later today hopefully...
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