Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Can you believe this week is only half over? How long does it take to get five days out of the way?! Everybody always says "hey, it's wednesday, week's half over!" Well, what if I want the week all the way over? Not good enough. On the bright side, it was thundering and raining when I woke up this morning, I got wet walking in to work, and I'm out of breakfast food! It's gonna be a great day!

In all seriousness, it probably will be a pretty good day. My best friend is coming over tonight to help me fix the front seat in my wife's car (I broke it). That will be nice to get done. Also, So You Think You Can Dance comes on tonight, so both our wives will be happy. It's a great show, but I don't always care to watch it.

Well my family left for Mexico today on a mission trip. You know, it's funny - when I was living at home, the three of them would never leave at the same time. One of my parents would always stay behind (usually my dad) so they could keep an eye on me. Now that I'm married and out of the house, they feel free to leave all together. Now that I have a wife to keep an eye on me, I guess they don't have to worry about me getting in trouble. Sheesh.

Ever read Pearls Before Swine? It's my favorite cartoon series, so I get an email every day with the latest one. This is just an example of how HiLaRiOuS they are!! Check it out!!
Anyone have exciting plans for this upcoming weekend? I plan on doing absolutely nothing. Well, maybe going to the shooting range because I haven't been in like a month and a half and I'm going through withdrawal! Later!

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