Monday, June 18, 2007


Alright folks, it's Monday morning again. Who had a good weekend? Anyone? ...Ok, well neither did I. I mean, it was alright - worked a little bit, hung w/some friends, spent time with the wife and both sets of parents, but nothing spectacular happened. A good weekend for me is when something new and exciting comes along (usually a positive new thing), or if I get to go to the shooting range (I have a .45), or if I don't have to work. Of course, this weekend, I didn't have to work at all, and I ended up working for free. I'm getting transfered to a new department, and I'll be doing a different job, so I went in for training. Did I know I wouldn't get paid? Of course I knew! But I wanted to build a good rapport with my new boss and fellow employees. I think I succeeded.
Working on the weekends isn't all that bad except when it's at the end of a 40+ hr. workweek and you're going to school on top of that. Then at the end of your weekend, you realize you didn't even have much of a weekend, and then you're stressed again before the new week has even started. At least, that's how I feel.
Got my first exam tonight in my second summer class. I've had 6 quizzes so far, and they just keep getting harder. I mean it, my grades keep going down 10 points each quiz - I gotta fix that quick before I start getting failing grades. Oy.
Anybody got some crazy news from last week? Around here, one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Four teenagers aged 13 to 17 stole one of their parents' cars and went for a joyride at 4:30 in the morning!! They crossed a train crossing and got smashed by a train they didn't watch for, and I think all four of them died. The parents are trying to sue the railroad company for not putting a light at the crossing!! What the heck were those kids doing out on the road at 4:30 AM??!! That's just a load of crap from the parents. If they had really parented their kids, they might still be alive, and it's an even bigger load of crap when someone tries to make money off their relative's poor decision. Like when someone dies trying to kill a cop, and his surviving relatives try to sue the state for millions, it's like, your relative was trying to KILL a Law Enforcement Officer! If they hadn't been breaking the law, they'd be alive!! Don't try to capitalize off their bad choices. Oh well, what is my opinion gonna do about it? Nothing cuz people don't listen. Well, perhaps you're listening (I have no idea if anybody even reads these rantings!).


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