7:10 am
Sooooo, yesterday was a weird post. I was in a funk most of yesterday, so if that seemed a little over the top compared to my normal posting, I'm sorry. I still mean what I said, but that's a little more serious than I usually care to be. This is going to be a day long post, so I'm going to put times down of when I post so you can see how the day affects me. I know you're so excited to see how it ends.
I have to talk about something. PRINCESS DIANA IS DEAD. I know it sounds cold and hard, but seriously, she's been dead for ten years, and I had never heard a thing about her before she died, which means (in my mind) that she couldn't have been that impressive of a person. I'm sorry that she died so young, but we all die, and it was just her time. Why are there people gathering again to mourn her passing? Seriously, do we all gather around on the day John Lennon was shot and mourn his passing? Do we all gather on the day Kennedy was shot and cry about it? No, because they died and time moves on. I don't understand it. If you think you can enlighten me or convince me otherwise, please let me know. If I just offended you, well, get over it. :)
Also saw that someone has invented a functional flying car. It floats ten feet off the ground, and looks like a flying saucer from a 1950's movie. It's kinda sad. I know eventually we'll all be flying around in our cars, but I think they should have waited to publicize this one. Plus you know what, I'd hate to have that thing flying over my car. Can you imagine that thing in heavy traffic? It just keeps going right into the intersection and all the sudden, everyone else wants that driver to die. and you know what else? I imagine that in a world of flying cars, there would be more accidents and more fatalities and a whole lot more traffic jams. I'll go with my ground-loving cars for now and leaving the flying to pilots.
What's your favorite movie and why? Mine is First Knight with Sean Connery, Richard Gere, and Julia Ormond. I'm not 100% sure why I love that movie so much, but I've lost track of how many times I've watched it, and I have the whole movie memorized. I used to be able to quote any part of the movie on request. If you started a quote, I could finish the movie from that point forward. I know it's not the best acting in the world, and certainly not the best props or costume design, but I like the story - plus it's got lots of sword fighting, and who doesn't like a little bit of that every so often? Let me know about your favorite!
Why do offices wait for a three day weekend to make you work late? This is supposed to be Labor Day weekend, and my wife's office is making her work tonight and tomorrow for inventory. That's just wrong. Same kind of thing they usually do when we get an extra day off for thanksgiving or christmas - we have to work that saturday. I'd go work for her if I could, but I wouldn't get paid for it, and she'll get paid overtime. Totally sucks.
Almost time for lunch... Don't know what I'm eatin today. Lots of stuff around the bank - I have to stop by and get out our rent check - that's important. Not a good thing to forget. Found out this morning that I should be getting transferred to our service department sometime in September. That will be really nice. We'll be able to save a lot of money on gas, cuz we'll just be using one car. Aah, a cheaper gas bill. That will be nice.
12:52 pm
Lunch was, I think, a disappointment (I finally spelled it correctly). I usually get in some good reading time (I'm working on another Stephen King novel), and today I only got 10 minutes. Oh well, at least tomorrow is Saturday. Seems like I had more to say at 7 this morning. Whattaya think of this new style, keepin track of the whole day? Well, because this is the first time, I won't bore you by keeping this up for the whole day. I'll stop now, and you let me know what you think. I'm thinking I may get a resounding NO from all of you who read this (that would be my relatives, james, lynne, and phil). But hey, that's more than nobody. Later,
Friday, August 31, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
What is a feeling?
May I suggest that it is a response, perhaps pre-programmed, to a given situation. You are given a gift, therefore you feel happy. Someone rear-ends your car, you feel mad. A pre-programmed one may be a feeling of fear when you prepare to walk into an empty house after midnight (I don't know why you would want to, but that's beside the point). If feelings are indeed a response, doesn't that mean we can or should be able to control them? In the Star Wars movies and countless others, people are told to "trust their feelings." However if a feeling is a response, that means it could be different each time a certain thing happens, therefore they are subject to change, and perhaps not so trustworthy. Would you go to someone for advice if you knew their answer would be different if you asked a second time? Hmm.
So can we really control our feelings? There are several places in the Bible were we are called to be self-controlled. I would think that includes controlling our emotions and our reactions to life. Not to say we should never get mad, "Be angry, and do not sin." (Ps. 4:4). It just means we shouldn't meditate on that anger and act on it. But maybe it also means we should be able to choose how we feel about something. We choose to get upset if something bad happens. That's a tough pill to swallow, especially when you're in the midst of a bad situation.
A question though. Can you choose to stop a feeling? Not necessarily like love or something, perhaps a feeling of animosity or loneliness or guilt. Negative feelings in general? Perhaps it's more than just stopping the feeling, it probably has to be replaced with a positive one. That makes sense if you realize that to get rid of dark, you have to replace it with light.
So that was my post this morning. I almost deleted it because it sounds so sermon-y. Oh well. How's your thursday going? Another normal work week over here, nothing too special happening over here. This weekend will be nice I think. At least nicer than some. Maybe just a little better. At least we get an extra day off. That will be nice.
I guess just not much else to say today, I just felt kind of obligated to post something since I know some of you faithfully check this every day. Thanks for that, and as always, comments are welcome. Later,
May I suggest that it is a response, perhaps pre-programmed, to a given situation. You are given a gift, therefore you feel happy. Someone rear-ends your car, you feel mad. A pre-programmed one may be a feeling of fear when you prepare to walk into an empty house after midnight (I don't know why you would want to, but that's beside the point). If feelings are indeed a response, doesn't that mean we can or should be able to control them? In the Star Wars movies and countless others, people are told to "trust their feelings." However if a feeling is a response, that means it could be different each time a certain thing happens, therefore they are subject to change, and perhaps not so trustworthy. Would you go to someone for advice if you knew their answer would be different if you asked a second time? Hmm.
So can we really control our feelings? There are several places in the Bible were we are called to be self-controlled. I would think that includes controlling our emotions and our reactions to life. Not to say we should never get mad, "Be angry, and do not sin." (Ps. 4:4). It just means we shouldn't meditate on that anger and act on it. But maybe it also means we should be able to choose how we feel about something. We choose to get upset if something bad happens. That's a tough pill to swallow, especially when you're in the midst of a bad situation.
A question though. Can you choose to stop a feeling? Not necessarily like love or something, perhaps a feeling of animosity or loneliness or guilt. Negative feelings in general? Perhaps it's more than just stopping the feeling, it probably has to be replaced with a positive one. That makes sense if you realize that to get rid of dark, you have to replace it with light.
So that was my post this morning. I almost deleted it because it sounds so sermon-y. Oh well. How's your thursday going? Another normal work week over here, nothing too special happening over here. This weekend will be nice I think. At least nicer than some. Maybe just a little better. At least we get an extra day off. That will be nice.
I guess just not much else to say today, I just felt kind of obligated to post something since I know some of you faithfully check this every day. Thanks for that, and as always, comments are welcome. Later,
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Meat (It's Tuesday, by the way)
So what's up? Haven't been around in a couple days, but I've been very busy doing nothing. I'm kind of stuck on meat right now. You get to hear all about it, and then you can tell me what you think!
Take BEEF, it's the main meat, every good man food has BEEF. You can have it in 3 main forms: Ground, Roast, Lunch Meat. Then look at CHICKEN. You can have it in 3 main forms: Ground, Roast, Slab (like the rotisserie chickens at Kroger). What about PORK? Roast, Slab (like Ham), Lunch Meat, Bacon, Sausage! Last (at least in my list) is TURKEY. You can Roast it, Slab (like a chicken), Ground, and Bacon! Now, why is it that you can make TURKEY bacon, and PORK bacon, but you can't make BEEF Bacon or CHICKEN bacon? Would they taste that bad? You can make TURKEY bacon, and it's a bird, so why not CHICKEN bacon? Why is it that Roasted TURKEY and Roasted BEEF have the same consistency, but you can't just cook a chunk of BEEF like you can a TURKEY leg? Why can you grind PORK and BEEF, and one comes out Sausage, and one comes out still BEEF? They look the same, so why don't they tast the same? Why is it that ground CHICKEN and ground TURKEY don't look the same? Last for consideration, why is it that you can Roast a DUCK, have it look like TURKEY, and taste like BEEF?
Soooo, yeah, I thought about it a little bit. How was Monday? Was it nice to you? I hope so. Ever get those nights where you feel like you don't need to go to sleep? I had one of those on Saturday. We didn't get home till like 12:30, and I still had to shower and clean our guns, so I stayed up. I finished with that stuff at 2:30, and figured, 'well, I gotta be at church in 4 hours anyway, and that's not enough sleep for me, so i'll just stay up!' Well, I lasted till 5:30, and Melissa came in and had me turn off the movie and come to bed. So I slept for 1 HOUR and went to church. THAT is one of the stupidest things ever to do. You think four hours isn't enough? Well one hour is barely enough to fall asleep. I am still amazed I didn't fall asleep in my chair, and that would have been bad cuz I was working a camera. Then after church I went home and took a two hour nap, and that was dumb too. I woke up feeling sick. Oh well.
What's happening this week in the news? Nichole Richie sets world record for shortest jail sentence ever served, gains 30 pounds and adopts a pet gorilla! Paris Hilton makes a statement that she is not the most beautiful woman ever, and stops wearing pink! Britney Spears decided she wanted to get back with K-Fed, and have two more children. Angelina says "I want to have a baby!" She is calling Billy Bob Thornton as we speak. Hurricane Francisco forms in Gulf of Mexico, it looks like it may try to cross the border overnight. Hitler descendant starts 12th Reich in Luxembourg and forms watch line. Yeah, nothing exciting.
I should probably get back to work. It's gonna be a busy day. Later.
Take BEEF, it's the main meat, every good man food has BEEF. You can have it in 3 main forms: Ground, Roast, Lunch Meat. Then look at CHICKEN. You can have it in 3 main forms: Ground, Roast, Slab (like the rotisserie chickens at Kroger). What about PORK? Roast, Slab (like Ham), Lunch Meat, Bacon, Sausage! Last (at least in my list) is TURKEY. You can Roast it, Slab (like a chicken), Ground, and Bacon! Now, why is it that you can make TURKEY bacon, and PORK bacon, but you can't make BEEF Bacon or CHICKEN bacon? Would they taste that bad? You can make TURKEY bacon, and it's a bird, so why not CHICKEN bacon? Why is it that Roasted TURKEY and Roasted BEEF have the same consistency, but you can't just cook a chunk of BEEF like you can a TURKEY leg? Why can you grind PORK and BEEF, and one comes out Sausage, and one comes out still BEEF? They look the same, so why don't they tast the same? Why is it that ground CHICKEN and ground TURKEY don't look the same? Last for consideration, why is it that you can Roast a DUCK, have it look like TURKEY, and taste like BEEF?
Soooo, yeah, I thought about it a little bit. How was Monday? Was it nice to you? I hope so. Ever get those nights where you feel like you don't need to go to sleep? I had one of those on Saturday. We didn't get home till like 12:30, and I still had to shower and clean our guns, so I stayed up. I finished with that stuff at 2:30, and figured, 'well, I gotta be at church in 4 hours anyway, and that's not enough sleep for me, so i'll just stay up!' Well, I lasted till 5:30, and Melissa came in and had me turn off the movie and come to bed. So I slept for 1 HOUR and went to church. THAT is one of the stupidest things ever to do. You think four hours isn't enough? Well one hour is barely enough to fall asleep. I am still amazed I didn't fall asleep in my chair, and that would have been bad cuz I was working a camera. Then after church I went home and took a two hour nap, and that was dumb too. I woke up feeling sick. Oh well.
What's happening this week in the news? Nichole Richie sets world record for shortest jail sentence ever served, gains 30 pounds and adopts a pet gorilla! Paris Hilton makes a statement that she is not the most beautiful woman ever, and stops wearing pink! Britney Spears decided she wanted to get back with K-Fed, and have two more children. Angelina says "I want to have a baby!" She is calling Billy Bob Thornton as we speak. Hurricane Francisco forms in Gulf of Mexico, it looks like it may try to cross the border overnight. Hitler descendant starts 12th Reich in Luxembourg and forms watch line. Yeah, nothing exciting.
I should probably get back to work. It's gonna be a busy day. Later.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Another week gone by, and so quickly! Today is movie quote day! I'm gonna list some and you see if you can guess the movie. I'll post the correct answers...never. Some of these are harder than others...
"Dude! Where's my car?"
"May the Force be with you."
"Snakes! I hate snakes!"
"Nobody makes me bleed my own blood! Nobody!"
"the twins keep us on centaurian time...standard 37 hour day. Give it a few months, you'll get used to it, or have a psychotic episode."
"Say hello to my little friend!"
"I didn't know who you were with."
"It's not personal, it's just business."
"I don't have any good skills."
"Madness? THIS IS SPARTA!!"
"Do you have protection?" "No, I don't believe in guns."
"You might have seen a housefly, maybe even a superfly, but I bet you ain't never seen a donkey fly!"
"I like what you done with that boulder. That is a niiiice boulder."
"All I've ever wanted was an honest week's pay for an honest day's work."
"It is my intention to commandeer one of these ships, pick up a buccaneer crew in Tortuga, raid, pillage, plunder, and otherwise pilfer my weasly black guts out."
"I have a bad feeling about this."
"I'm sorry, I won't be here when you get back... my wife says I can't be a spy anymore. I have to be home for dinner."
I'll put more up here later. If you're really good, you'll leave a comment and tell me where all the quotes came from. There! It's an interactive blog! Later,
"Dude! Where's my car?"
"May the Force be with you."
"Snakes! I hate snakes!"
"Nobody makes me bleed my own blood! Nobody!"
"the twins keep us on centaurian time...standard 37 hour day. Give it a few months, you'll get used to it, or have a psychotic episode."
"Say hello to my little friend!"
"I didn't know who you were with."
"It's not personal, it's just business."
"I don't have any good skills."
"Madness? THIS IS SPARTA!!"
"Do you have protection?" "No, I don't believe in guns."
"You might have seen a housefly, maybe even a superfly, but I bet you ain't never seen a donkey fly!"
"I like what you done with that boulder. That is a niiiice boulder."
"All I've ever wanted was an honest week's pay for an honest day's work."
"It is my intention to commandeer one of these ships, pick up a buccaneer crew in Tortuga, raid, pillage, plunder, and otherwise pilfer my weasly black guts out."
"I have a bad feeling about this."
"I'm sorry, I won't be here when you get back... my wife says I can't be a spy anymore. I have to be home for dinner."
I'll put more up here later. If you're really good, you'll leave a comment and tell me where all the quotes came from. There! It's an interactive blog! Later,
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
What a World
Wednesday. The world turns. Various people are awake, various people are asleep... Yeah, I'm not happy. Why? I hate traffic. I hate driving. I hate being late. I can't stand those people that brake just to stay four car lengths behind the car in front of them. Or those people who brake before every bump in the road. Or those people that insist on driving the speed limit or slower in the fast lane. IT'S CALLED A FAAAAAST LANE!! Good grief. Then there are the people who wait till the last possible second to brake, and then they slam on their brakes, forcing you to slam on your brakes, and then you hope the person behind you is paying attention so they don't crash into your car. Why they gotta be like that? Why? I don't understand. Here's another thing I don't understand. Why do trains have to cross roadways? Why can't they all either be under ground, elevated, or why can't there be an overpass placed over the tracks? Trains are waaaay to slow to be blocking our main lanes of traffic. That and if they're going to cross the roads, they shouldn't be allowed to run during the day. If they want to operate between midnight and 6 am, that's fine, cuz if you're out on the roads at that time, you're either out past bedtime, a drug dealer, a night worker, a drunk, or a cop. If any of those people get stopped by a train, that's ok. They're out late anyway, and they can wait. Most of this is stemming from the fact that I hate being late. I left in plenty of time to get back to work on time, and i was 16 minutes late instead. Not that anyone could have changed anything, except the people involved in both accidents on 290, and the person driving the train that stopped me 1 block from the office.
So....how's your week going? Mine's going good - except for today of course. Melissa and I went to an Astros game, and she got a ball. It wasn't hit by an Astro, but it was pitched by an Astro, so she said that counts. Plus the tickets were free, so can't complain. We might go back again on Friday, but we'll have slightly better seats, so that will be nice. Maybe I'll even take my glove. If I can find it...
Can someone explain team loyalty to me? I don't have it. I have two baseball caps - they are both for the North Carolina Tarheels. Do I watch basketball? Never. Do I watch football? Only on thanksgiving day. Do I watch baseball? Never? Are there any other real sports? No. But, really, the only reason I wear tarheels hats is because I like the foot, and my dad is from North Carolina. I couldn't care less about their scores, stats, or whatever. I don't understand people who buy season tickets to a sport to support their city's team. I would buy season tickets for baseball because I enjoy watching a live game, but I would never do so expecting the team to win. I made a comment last night about the Astros, because I've never gone to a game and seen them win. I've watched them on TV, but in person, I've never seen them win. They've never won the World Series, though they did come close a couple times, and they usually just don't do that well anymore. Back ten years ago? Yeah, they were great, but now? No way. So when I see people paying good money to go see "their team" lose, I just don't understand why. Like I said, I'd pay money just to go watch baseball, because I love the sport, but I would never go expecting anything. Maybe it's just me.
Anybody seen any good movies lately? Tell me about them! I want to go see "The Last Legion." It looks good. I like war movies, and I like the Roman thing (empire, gladiators, swords, etc.).
Gotta get back to work. Later!
So....how's your week going? Mine's going good - except for today of course. Melissa and I went to an Astros game, and she got a ball. It wasn't hit by an Astro, but it was pitched by an Astro, so she said that counts. Plus the tickets were free, so can't complain. We might go back again on Friday, but we'll have slightly better seats, so that will be nice. Maybe I'll even take my glove. If I can find it...
Can someone explain team loyalty to me? I don't have it. I have two baseball caps - they are both for the North Carolina Tarheels. Do I watch basketball? Never. Do I watch football? Only on thanksgiving day. Do I watch baseball? Never? Are there any other real sports? No. But, really, the only reason I wear tarheels hats is because I like the foot, and my dad is from North Carolina. I couldn't care less about their scores, stats, or whatever. I don't understand people who buy season tickets to a sport to support their city's team. I would buy season tickets for baseball because I enjoy watching a live game, but I would never do so expecting the team to win. I made a comment last night about the Astros, because I've never gone to a game and seen them win. I've watched them on TV, but in person, I've never seen them win. They've never won the World Series, though they did come close a couple times, and they usually just don't do that well anymore. Back ten years ago? Yeah, they were great, but now? No way. So when I see people paying good money to go see "their team" lose, I just don't understand why. Like I said, I'd pay money just to go watch baseball, because I love the sport, but I would never go expecting anything. Maybe it's just me.
Anybody seen any good movies lately? Tell me about them! I want to go see "The Last Legion." It looks good. I like war movies, and I like the Roman thing (empire, gladiators, swords, etc.).
Gotta get back to work. Later!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Mondee, Monday, Munday...
How do you pronounce the weekdays? Do you say them with an "eeee" at the end? My grandparents do that sometimes. Sundee, Mondee, Tuesdee, etc. I always say it with the "ay" on the end (like normal). Doesn't really matter how you say it, just curious.
So did anybody save TONS of money during tax-free weekend? Yeah, I thought not.
The weekend seemed much longer this time! Really, we went to a hotel Friday night (provided by our wonderful friends James & Lynne (for our birthdays)). Saturday we went shopping (with money from melissa's dad, not me). That was fun, and then last night we hung out with James and Lynne again, and it just seemed like a much longer weekend than usual. I thought about looking through the news on Yahoo to find something to make fun of, but some of my readers have said that I sound too sarcastic. Maybe i'll put up a poll about it, and see how many of you really feel that way. Maybe I don't really care what you think. No, I do. That's why I do this blog, right? No, not really. I just wanted a place to put down my thoughts, and maybe interact with my friends, relatives, distant acquaintances... It works, right? I mean, it's a whole lot easier for me to manage than Myspace or Facebook. They just seem like a hassle. So many options to keep track of, and really when you think about it, they're just a waaaay too fancy email service. People leave you messages, you leave them messages....email. This, well this is just something I do because I can, and if nobody ever responds, that's ok, and if people do respond, I don't have to respond back! It's great. You should try it, and if you do, let me know your URL, and I'll check it out.
Have you ever wondered about all the memories and information that will be lost when the current generation of "old people" die? By old, I'm referring to people 70 and older. Once you hit that age, there's really no telling how long you have left. Not trying to be morbid, just explaining my terminology. But seriously, you'd have to be at least 80 to remember WW2, and 90 to really remember the Great Depression. What will we do when those first-hand accounts have been silenced? Another generation of history will be gone forever. It's really sad, but it really makes me want to record as many stories as I can so we have something other than history books to rely on. I remember quite a few that my grandfather has told me, but I want to get as many as possible so I can tell my grandchildren.
Well, it's time for lunch, I'll ttyl,
So did anybody save TONS of money during tax-free weekend? Yeah, I thought not.
The weekend seemed much longer this time! Really, we went to a hotel Friday night (provided by our wonderful friends James & Lynne (for our birthdays)). Saturday we went shopping (with money from melissa's dad, not me). That was fun, and then last night we hung out with James and Lynne again, and it just seemed like a much longer weekend than usual. I thought about looking through the news on Yahoo to find something to make fun of, but some of my readers have said that I sound too sarcastic. Maybe i'll put up a poll about it, and see how many of you really feel that way. Maybe I don't really care what you think. No, I do. That's why I do this blog, right? No, not really. I just wanted a place to put down my thoughts, and maybe interact with my friends, relatives, distant acquaintances... It works, right? I mean, it's a whole lot easier for me to manage than Myspace or Facebook. They just seem like a hassle. So many options to keep track of, and really when you think about it, they're just a waaaay too fancy email service. People leave you messages, you leave them messages....email. This, well this is just something I do because I can, and if nobody ever responds, that's ok, and if people do respond, I don't have to respond back! It's great. You should try it, and if you do, let me know your URL, and I'll check it out.
Have you ever wondered about all the memories and information that will be lost when the current generation of "old people" die? By old, I'm referring to people 70 and older. Once you hit that age, there's really no telling how long you have left. Not trying to be morbid, just explaining my terminology. But seriously, you'd have to be at least 80 to remember WW2, and 90 to really remember the Great Depression. What will we do when those first-hand accounts have been silenced? Another generation of history will be gone forever. It's really sad, but it really makes me want to record as many stories as I can so we have something other than history books to rely on. I remember quite a few that my grandfather has told me, but I want to get as many as possible so I can tell my grandchildren.
Well, it's time for lunch, I'll ttyl,
Friday, August 17, 2007

May I just say that if you have a problem with my dog type ahem (Michael), How can you not love this face?
I received an interesting comment on the last post, so I thought maybe I'd respond to it. I was so happy to receive a couple comments answering my request yesterday, so the least I can do is acknowledge them. Someone commented on how I'm always eager for Friday to arrive. But why? Why do we spend the entire week yearning for it to end? Why rush through life so quickly? My default answer would be to get away from the office. For those of you that work in an office, or any full time job, or any stressful job, you know what I'm talking about. Not to exclude everyone else. I am quite sure that everyone has something that happens only or mainly during the week, and they view the weekend as a break. Certainly it is a break, but my friend's comment is making me think about a change in my viewpoint. Perhaps we should look to earning the weekend. I look at the weekend as my right to relax; a real chance to do whatever I want that has nothing to do with my normal work week. Maybe it's not a right... God never says to work five days and rest two. Genesis says he worked 6 days and rested on the seventh. Maybe He half-expects us to do the same? Maybe for those of us restricted to working five days a week, the weekend has been given to us as a blessing? And you know what else? I don't really know how much it helps to look forward to the weekend so eagerly right now. I'm only twenty-two years old. I have probably the next thirty-five to forty years to work at least. What good will it do me if I spend all 1,950 weeks looking forward to the next? It will go by quick as lightning, and at the end I will be left with...what? Another weekend, and another week to follow it. Maybe I should start looking to the day in front of me, and search for a way to live my life better that day. Maybe I should be looking for a way to glorify and honor God during my day. Not to say I don't do that already, but maybe to make it my passion instead of just a passing thought.
Here's another question. What do you do when people praise your talents? Say you are a phenomenal dancer, like you were born with extra talent most people don't have, and everything just seems to come easy to you. What do you do when people insist upon praising you for it, and making it known to their friends? Let me make something clear real quick, I am using a hypothetical example. I cannot dance, do not wish to dance, just...no. It's an example. But how do you respond? You can't just say, "no, you're wrong, I don't have any talent in that area," because that's obviously not true, but on the other hand, you don't want to respond with "yeah, no kidding, I'm the best one out there, did you see my moves?" Where's the balance? How do you acknowledge their praise without seeming hot-headed?
Did you know that Google gives you an insane amount of storage space? Yeah, 2888 MB! That's over 2 GB of storage space! You know how many KB that is? almost 3 MILLION. To explain how huge that is, a normal email is around 10-15 KB. Divided out, that would be about 200,000 emails. Where are you gonna need to store 200,000 emails? How are you even going to remember the first 3000 by the time you get to 10,000? How insanely huge is that? I hope I never have that many emails to go through. Can you imagine how long it would take to find one email? I shudder to think of it.
Well my little sister is finally heading off to college! She's 18, fresh out of highschool, and heading off to LeTourneau University in Longview, TX on Monday! I wanted to attend that school, but it didn't work out for me, so I'm totally floored that it worked out for her. She'll love it up there. They even get snow sometimes! That is a big thing, cuz it just doesn't do that here. We had a little party for her last night, that was fun. It's a good thing Melissa is pregnant, because my mother will need something to obsess over with Bethany gone. Yeah, she'll only be like 4 hours away, but that's a long time. Actually, I think it may be longer, but I haven't been there in 3 years, so how I am supposed to remember? Whatever, I think she'll have a great time. It's weird to have her going off to college, cuz it seems too early. It seems weird for her to be growing up, because it seems like so long ago that I was that age, and plus she's always been my little sister, so it doesn't seem like she's old enough. I remember when I was that age (duh, four years ago, I BETTER be able to remember that), and I was kinda freaked out about being out on my own in a strange place. Yeah, I was excited about getting out of my parents house and away from all the rules, but you know what happens when you get away from your parents' rules? You get to meet all the World's rules. FUN FUn Fun fun. yeah, NOT. Of course, it won't be quite so bad, because she won't be living on campus. That's good though, cuz you gotta watch out for all those computer nerds - never know what they'll do to you. :) just kidding, but seriously, watch out. Anyway, better get back to work. Later,
Here's another question. What do you do when people praise your talents? Say you are a phenomenal dancer, like you were born with extra talent most people don't have, and everything just seems to come easy to you. What do you do when people insist upon praising you for it, and making it known to their friends? Let me make something clear real quick, I am using a hypothetical example. I cannot dance, do not wish to dance, just...no. It's an example. But how do you respond? You can't just say, "no, you're wrong, I don't have any talent in that area," because that's obviously not true, but on the other hand, you don't want to respond with "yeah, no kidding, I'm the best one out there, did you see my moves?" Where's the balance? How do you acknowledge their praise without seeming hot-headed?
Did you know that Google gives you an insane amount of storage space? Yeah, 2888 MB! That's over 2 GB of storage space! You know how many KB that is? almost 3 MILLION. To explain how huge that is, a normal email is around 10-15 KB. Divided out, that would be about 200,000 emails. Where are you gonna need to store 200,000 emails? How are you even going to remember the first 3000 by the time you get to 10,000? How insanely huge is that? I hope I never have that many emails to go through. Can you imagine how long it would take to find one email? I shudder to think of it.
Well my little sister is finally heading off to college! She's 18, fresh out of highschool, and heading off to LeTourneau University in Longview, TX on Monday! I wanted to attend that school, but it didn't work out for me, so I'm totally floored that it worked out for her. She'll love it up there. They even get snow sometimes! That is a big thing, cuz it just doesn't do that here. We had a little party for her last night, that was fun. It's a good thing Melissa is pregnant, because my mother will need something to obsess over with Bethany gone. Yeah, she'll only be like 4 hours away, but that's a long time. Actually, I think it may be longer, but I haven't been there in 3 years, so how I am supposed to remember? Whatever, I think she'll have a great time. It's weird to have her going off to college, cuz it seems too early. It seems weird for her to be growing up, because it seems like so long ago that I was that age, and plus she's always been my little sister, so it doesn't seem like she's old enough. I remember when I was that age (duh, four years ago, I BETTER be able to remember that), and I was kinda freaked out about being out on my own in a strange place. Yeah, I was excited about getting out of my parents house and away from all the rules, but you know what happens when you get away from your parents' rules? You get to meet all the World's rules. FUN FUn Fun fun. yeah, NOT. Of course, it won't be quite so bad, because she won't be living on campus. That's good though, cuz you gotta watch out for all those computer nerds - never know what they'll do to you. :) just kidding, but seriously, watch out. Anyway, better get back to work. Later,
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Thursday! Almost Friday...but not
So what's up? How's life? That bad, huh? Oh really? That's terrific. Glad to hear it.
So anyway, the week is almost over and I am SO glad. Don't get me wrong, I love my life, and I'm not in any hurry to get old(er), but I am always glad to get through the work week.
Sheesh, what a busy day. I wrote that last sentence a half hour ago. Keep getting interrupted by people who think they're more important. That's the way of the world, right? Seems like it.
How do you deal with difficult people? If you're not doing anything wrong, and they're just being difficult, how do you deal with them? I gotta say, I've changed my approach. In general, I am terrified of confrontation - it's just my personality type. However, I have started standing up for myself - especially at work. There comes a point when you just don't want to deal with it anymore. At first it was scary, and I'd be breathing hard or shaking or something, and now I kind of enjoy it. It's like a challenge to see who will win. I mean why should people always be able to push you around? Stand up and defend yourself! To quote First Knight:
"Fight! Like you've never fought before! Fight! Never Surrender! Never Surrender!" Of course, then he gets shout five times and eventually dies, but at least he went down swinging. Literally - he was swinging his sword around when they shot him. If you haven't seen that movie, rent it now. The acting could be a little better, but it's a great movie. That and Pirates 1. I have them memorized. Great stuff.
So what about this weather? I quit watching the weather at night because I was tired of them being wrong - so now it's always an adventure. What will the weather be like tomorrow? Might be rain, might be sun, for sure it will be hot, but that's just because this is Houston, Texas, and it's ALWAYS hot.
I'm just curious, how many people actually read this post on a regular basis? If you're reading this right now, can you leave a comment with your first name or something just to let me know? I'd like to know. Don't worry, I'm not going to hunt you down, call you out, or email you weird stuff, just like to know if anyone other than james, lynne, and melissa (and Isaac, of course) are reading this stuff. Better get back to work. I've been trying to finish this post for over an hour. Later,
So anyway, the week is almost over and I am SO glad. Don't get me wrong, I love my life, and I'm not in any hurry to get old(er), but I am always glad to get through the work week.
Sheesh, what a busy day. I wrote that last sentence a half hour ago. Keep getting interrupted by people who think they're more important. That's the way of the world, right? Seems like it.
How do you deal with difficult people? If you're not doing anything wrong, and they're just being difficult, how do you deal with them? I gotta say, I've changed my approach. In general, I am terrified of confrontation - it's just my personality type. However, I have started standing up for myself - especially at work. There comes a point when you just don't want to deal with it anymore. At first it was scary, and I'd be breathing hard or shaking or something, and now I kind of enjoy it. It's like a challenge to see who will win. I mean why should people always be able to push you around? Stand up and defend yourself! To quote First Knight:
"Fight! Like you've never fought before! Fight! Never Surrender! Never Surrender!" Of course, then he gets shout five times and eventually dies, but at least he went down swinging. Literally - he was swinging his sword around when they shot him. If you haven't seen that movie, rent it now. The acting could be a little better, but it's a great movie. That and Pirates 1. I have them memorized. Great stuff.
So what about this weather? I quit watching the weather at night because I was tired of them being wrong - so now it's always an adventure. What will the weather be like tomorrow? Might be rain, might be sun, for sure it will be hot, but that's just because this is Houston, Texas, and it's ALWAYS hot.
I'm just curious, how many people actually read this post on a regular basis? If you're reading this right now, can you leave a comment with your first name or something just to let me know? I'd like to know. Don't worry, I'm not going to hunt you down, call you out, or email you weird stuff, just like to know if anyone other than james, lynne, and melissa (and Isaac, of course) are reading this stuff. Better get back to work. I've been trying to finish this post for over an hour. Later,
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Well, I haven't posted since my birthday, but don't worry, not much has happened. Birthday was alright, I still have to return a couple presents, and I'm gonna end up buying a couple things I asked for, cuz nobody wanted to get them. I'm not saying any more about it, because you want me to stop just as bad as I'd like to continue.
Ever had one of those coughs / runny noses that just won't go away? I've had one for like two or three weeks, and I can't get it to go away. The fun part is that it's not getting any better or any worse.
Ok, saw an article today that really ticked me off. Title? 4 Ways to Make Your Man Jealous. Oh wait, I forgot a word: Harmless! 4 Harmless Ways. Yeah, cuz making your guy or girl jealous is a good thing now! Yeah right! Here's the best part. The article was written by a guy! Traitor. They talk about messing with your guy's head and making him think that maybe you're getting interested in other guys on the internet or at work, and that's supposed to get him more interested in you! Or it suggests maybe showing him up in a sport, because that's supposed to ignite your sex life! Yeah, nothing gets me more attracted to Melissa than when she beats me at a sport! That's a man's playground! You don't touch that! If the two of you discover that you are better at something, that's fine for the TWO of you to know, but you don't have to go flaunt that in public! Good grief, whatever happened to building each other up in love? For the record, it is NOT good to make your spouse (or significant other of the oposite sex) jealous! Jealousy is a bad bad bad thing and it leads to hate. Hate leads to the Dark Side. Yeah, that's right, Yoda was a philosopher. It's true though.
In side news today, I discovered that one half of Abe Lincoln's face was shorter than the other. So what? Who really cares about that. Here's another piece of worthless body trivia. My rib cage isn't symmetrical. The right side curves out at the bottom, and the left side curves in! Feel your ribs, you'll see how weird that is, and then you'll stop caring. I think they ran out of good stuff to talk about. Can you imagine having a job like that? Reporting pointless news? Imagine having to actually do research on which female celebrities have small dogs and what kind of dogs they are, and what their names are. There's an article on it on Yahoo. I pity the person who had to do that article.
So what's up? How was your weekend? How's your week going so far? I keep asking these questions, and nobody ever responds, but maybe someday someone will. Crazy thing is that I'm actually interested to hear from you.
Ever have one of those phone calls where you would swear you're talking to a woman, and it turns out to be a man, or vice versa? I hate it when that happens. Especially when you ask, "what's your name, Ma'am?" and they respond with "Miguel." ugh. embarrassing. You really hope they thought you said "man" instead of "ma'am."
As much as I would love to keep going, I should get to work. I know you're disappointed, please leave your comment, and I'll address it in another post later today or tomorrow.
Ever had one of those coughs / runny noses that just won't go away? I've had one for like two or three weeks, and I can't get it to go away. The fun part is that it's not getting any better or any worse.
Ok, saw an article today that really ticked me off. Title? 4 Ways to Make Your Man Jealous. Oh wait, I forgot a word: Harmless! 4 Harmless Ways. Yeah, cuz making your guy or girl jealous is a good thing now! Yeah right! Here's the best part. The article was written by a guy! Traitor. They talk about messing with your guy's head and making him think that maybe you're getting interested in other guys on the internet or at work, and that's supposed to get him more interested in you! Or it suggests maybe showing him up in a sport, because that's supposed to ignite your sex life! Yeah, nothing gets me more attracted to Melissa than when she beats me at a sport! That's a man's playground! You don't touch that! If the two of you discover that you are better at something, that's fine for the TWO of you to know, but you don't have to go flaunt that in public! Good grief, whatever happened to building each other up in love? For the record, it is NOT good to make your spouse (or significant other of the oposite sex) jealous! Jealousy is a bad bad bad thing and it leads to hate. Hate leads to the Dark Side. Yeah, that's right, Yoda was a philosopher. It's true though.
In side news today, I discovered that one half of Abe Lincoln's face was shorter than the other. So what? Who really cares about that. Here's another piece of worthless body trivia. My rib cage isn't symmetrical. The right side curves out at the bottom, and the left side curves in! Feel your ribs, you'll see how weird that is, and then you'll stop caring. I think they ran out of good stuff to talk about. Can you imagine having a job like that? Reporting pointless news? Imagine having to actually do research on which female celebrities have small dogs and what kind of dogs they are, and what their names are. There's an article on it on Yahoo. I pity the person who had to do that article.
So what's up? How was your weekend? How's your week going so far? I keep asking these questions, and nobody ever responds, but maybe someday someone will. Crazy thing is that I'm actually interested to hear from you.
Ever have one of those phone calls where you would swear you're talking to a woman, and it turns out to be a man, or vice versa? I hate it when that happens. Especially when you ask, "what's your name, Ma'am?" and they respond with "Miguel." ugh. embarrassing. You really hope they thought you said "man" instead of "ma'am."
As much as I would love to keep going, I should get to work. I know you're disappointed, please leave your comment, and I'll address it in another post later today or tomorrow.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Almost Friday...But Not
So, I gotta talk about this, because it's ridiculous. Barry Bonds hit homerun number 756, which beat Hank Aaron's record of 755 I guess. Some dude from New York caught the ball, and now the IRS is saying it counts as income! The ball is worth 600,000 bucks, so that puts him in the highest tax bracket which, according to Yahoo, is 35%. He's gonna have to pay $210,000 even if he sells the stinkin ball! How can anyone in their right mind count that as income? That's ridiculous. If he kept that ball for three tax years, he'd end up paying more than it's worth in taxes! How stupid. Darn government. They're not that bad off.
So how's your day going? I know, it's still early. I'll bet at least a third of my readers are still asleep. But that's ok. Some of us have to get up early and go to work. I don't mind though. You know how boring it is not to have a plan for the day? The couple times I've been forced to stay home and not go anywhere, it's driven me crazy. Always gotta be doing something. That's why I got a rubik's cube. I can't solve it, but I can do designs and it's fun to fidget with. Something for my fingers to do. How do some people manage to sit still for extended periods of time? I don't get it.
This is a short post today, and I apologize to those of you that will be disappointed.
1 Oh come, let us sing to the Lord!
Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation.
2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving;
Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms.
3 For the Lord is the great God,
And the great King above all gods.
4 In His hand are the deep places of the earth;
The heights of the hills are His also.
5 The sea is His, for He made it;
And His hands formed the dry land.
6 Oh come, let us worship and bow down;
Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.
7 For He is our God,
And we are the people of His pasture,
And the sheep of His hand.
Psalm 95:1-7
So how's your day going? I know, it's still early. I'll bet at least a third of my readers are still asleep. But that's ok. Some of us have to get up early and go to work. I don't mind though. You know how boring it is not to have a plan for the day? The couple times I've been forced to stay home and not go anywhere, it's driven me crazy. Always gotta be doing something. That's why I got a rubik's cube. I can't solve it, but I can do designs and it's fun to fidget with. Something for my fingers to do. How do some people manage to sit still for extended periods of time? I don't get it.
This is a short post today, and I apologize to those of you that will be disappointed.
1 Oh come, let us sing to the Lord!
Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation.
2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving;
Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms.
3 For the Lord is the great God,
And the great King above all gods.
4 In His hand are the deep places of the earth;
The heights of the hills are His also.
5 The sea is His, for He made it;
And His hands formed the dry land.
6 Oh come, let us worship and bow down;
Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.
7 For He is our God,
And we are the people of His pasture,
And the sheep of His hand.
Psalm 95:1-7
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Wednesday Woes
Like the alliteration? I don't. It's cheesy. But whatever. Anywho...
How's the week going? We had our first pregnancy visit with the doctor yesterday. They confirmed that Melissa is indeed pregnant (whew) and told us to come back in a month. We were pleasantly surprised to discover they encourage natural childbirth, cuz we are gonna do this thing drug-free. Ok, Melissa is gonna do it drug free. I'm gonna be in there making sure they don't try to use some anyway. You gotta watch doctors - they'll do all sorta things you said not to, but they won't tell you before they do it.
So how'd you sleep last night? I was awake (or at least it felt like I was awake) for most of the night. I kept hearing things and having weird dreams, and then at 5:30 I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. Strange things. My wife laughed when I told her that, because she's having weird dreams, too, but she's pregnant. Man, I sure hope I don't get a whole lot of sympathy symptoms. I've heard of guys developing breasts, lactating, craving strange food, and all sorts of stuff. That's scary.
I figured something out this morning on my drive to work. I know what embarasses me. Blowing my nose in public. I'd rather sniff all day long and sound gross than have to blow my nose in front of people. My eyes tear up, and my face gets twisted in a weird way, and I look pitiful. I don't usually care what people think about me, but that is one thing that gets to me. What about you? What embarasses you? Am I spelling that word wrong? It's a tough one for me, and I don't know why. That and mispell. I never know if it's right or not - heck, I don't even know if that one is right. Please help.
So what's going on in the world today? Here's a weird (that's my word today) one for you. A guy smuggled a MONKEY into the country by hiding it under his hat. Dude, get a life. What kind of person does that? Why? Did he get a rush by doing something illegal? Doesn't sound that exciting to me. What was he thinking? Oh yeah, I really want a monkey for a pet, but I don't want a regular American monkey, so I'll just break the law and bring one back from my business trip?! I mean, come on dude, get a life. I already said that. And what does that say about international security? If you can get a monkey through customs, couldn't you get a plastique explosive or something? Can you imagine the panic that could have followed if that thing had run loose in the plane? It was a tiny monkey, just a little bigger than a squirrel, so a lot of people could have mistaken it for something else, and been jumping all over the place. Seems like a stupid idea.
Something happens tomorrow. I mentioned it like a week ago, so I'm not gonna say what it is, but if you know, then I suggest you do something about it.
So what's happening the rest of the week? Bourne Ultimatum just came out - it's topping the box offices. Alread made like 80 million the first weekend. Melissa and I are gonna go see that and Rush Hour 3 this weekend. I think they're both gonna be good. I would write more, but lunch is calling my name, and I must answer. Later!
How's the week going? We had our first pregnancy visit with the doctor yesterday. They confirmed that Melissa is indeed pregnant (whew) and told us to come back in a month. We were pleasantly surprised to discover they encourage natural childbirth, cuz we are gonna do this thing drug-free. Ok, Melissa is gonna do it drug free. I'm gonna be in there making sure they don't try to use some anyway. You gotta watch doctors - they'll do all sorta things you said not to, but they won't tell you before they do it.
So how'd you sleep last night? I was awake (or at least it felt like I was awake) for most of the night. I kept hearing things and having weird dreams, and then at 5:30 I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. Strange things. My wife laughed when I told her that, because she's having weird dreams, too, but she's pregnant. Man, I sure hope I don't get a whole lot of sympathy symptoms. I've heard of guys developing breasts, lactating, craving strange food, and all sorts of stuff. That's scary.
I figured something out this morning on my drive to work. I know what embarasses me. Blowing my nose in public. I'd rather sniff all day long and sound gross than have to blow my nose in front of people. My eyes tear up, and my face gets twisted in a weird way, and I look pitiful. I don't usually care what people think about me, but that is one thing that gets to me. What about you? What embarasses you? Am I spelling that word wrong? It's a tough one for me, and I don't know why. That and mispell. I never know if it's right or not - heck, I don't even know if that one is right. Please help.
So what's going on in the world today? Here's a weird (that's my word today) one for you. A guy smuggled a MONKEY into the country by hiding it under his hat. Dude, get a life. What kind of person does that? Why? Did he get a rush by doing something illegal? Doesn't sound that exciting to me. What was he thinking? Oh yeah, I really want a monkey for a pet, but I don't want a regular American monkey, so I'll just break the law and bring one back from my business trip?! I mean, come on dude, get a life. I already said that. And what does that say about international security? If you can get a monkey through customs, couldn't you get a plastique explosive or something? Can you imagine the panic that could have followed if that thing had run loose in the plane? It was a tiny monkey, just a little bigger than a squirrel, so a lot of people could have mistaken it for something else, and been jumping all over the place. Seems like a stupid idea.
Something happens tomorrow. I mentioned it like a week ago, so I'm not gonna say what it is, but if you know, then I suggest you do something about it.
So what's happening the rest of the week? Bourne Ultimatum just came out - it's topping the box offices. Alread made like 80 million the first weekend. Melissa and I are gonna go see that and Rush Hour 3 this weekend. I think they're both gonna be good. I would write more, but lunch is calling my name, and I must answer. Later!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Friday, August 3, 2007
For Lynne
This post is for Lynne, because she was very disappointed with my last post, and the last thing anyone wants to do is disappoint a woman. Especially one who knows where you live and has a key to your home.
Ever feel like you can't get a single thing done? That's today. Every stinking person in this office building wants something from me!! I CAN"T HELP ALL OF YOU AT ONCE!!!! It's kind of like that shirt, "I can only help one person at a time, and today's not your day. Tomorrow's not looking to good, either." That's my new slogan. That's why I can never run for president. I'd never get elected with that kind of work ethic. It's true for a lot of people, but not many people are honest enough to admit it. Maybe I should be less truthful.
Ever use loopholes? I happen to be the king of loopholes, so if you ever need to get out of something, let me know and i'll think up a good excuse for you. My mother would fuss at me for throwing something (like a ball) in the house, and I'd respond, "I didn't throw it though, I tossed it, and you didn't say I couldn't toss stuff." That's not the best logic in the world, but it's true. If you give me an example, I can give you a loophole. Is that necessarily something to be proud of? Probably not, but I am (just a little bit). Everybody's good at something. I'm good at telling people what they need to hear in time of trial, and what they want to hear when I can't really help them.
Have you ever figured out what your love language is? Funny side note: just cuz it's called a love language doesn't mean you only use it with your spouse/significant other. It just means how you convey your emotions towards people; it's how you best communicate. My wife is quality time. If she's upset with you, she doesn't want to be anywhere around you. If she's really happy with me, or needing some extra loving, she'll want to sit next to me - not even to talk sometimes, just to be with me. I totally don't get that, but I'm words. I like to talk. WHAT?!?!?! You? Talk? Never! Yes, it's true, I use words. That's why I enjoy doing this whole blog thing and I don't really care if no one responds, just cause I'm getting my thoughts out and I like to pretend that someone is reading them and maybe enjoying them. I do enjoy the occasional response, and when I get negative ones (like today), I like to respond and hopefully fix the problem. Understanding your love language (LL) is really important when it comes to making/keeping friends, because you can look for people that will be able to communicate on your level. I love talking with other words people, because we can bond or whatever. It also really helps with your spouse, because if you can communicate it to them, they'll know how to show you love. It's even more important the other way around. If you can figure out what your spouse's LL is, it will revolutionize your marriage. You can do the smallest gestures, and they will love it. Melissa can walk in the house, say "I love you baby," and not even stay in the same room with me, but I immediately feel loved for the rest of the evening. If, on the other hand, she comes in and sits next to me while I'm on the computer and she reads a book, I feel completely ignored. See what I mean? Now, that's just an example, because we do know each other's LL's, so we've gotten really great at communicating. You should look into it if you get a chance.
Have you ever been to one of those websites that shows how many sodas it takes to kill you? it's kind of morbid, but I think it's funny. Take this for example: I could drink 266.34 cans of Dr. Pepper before croaking. Here's the link for it: http://www.energyfiend.com/death-by-caffeine/ . It also does like certain kinds of candy, too. Just something good to do if you're bored or something.
Read today that the most births in one family was 69 children to one woman. OOOOOOOWWWW!!!!!!!!! That's ridiculous. Check this out: The world record for having the most number of children officially recorded is 69 by the first of two wives of Feodor Vassilyev (1707-1782), a peasant from Shuya, 150 miles east of Moscow. In 27 confinements, she gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets and four sets of quadruplets. The children were born between 1725-1765.
Ever feel like you can't get a single thing done? That's today. Every stinking person in this office building wants something from me!! I CAN"T HELP ALL OF YOU AT ONCE!!!! It's kind of like that shirt, "I can only help one person at a time, and today's not your day. Tomorrow's not looking to good, either." That's my new slogan. That's why I can never run for president. I'd never get elected with that kind of work ethic. It's true for a lot of people, but not many people are honest enough to admit it. Maybe I should be less truthful.
Ever use loopholes? I happen to be the king of loopholes, so if you ever need to get out of something, let me know and i'll think up a good excuse for you. My mother would fuss at me for throwing something (like a ball) in the house, and I'd respond, "I didn't throw it though, I tossed it, and you didn't say I couldn't toss stuff." That's not the best logic in the world, but it's true. If you give me an example, I can give you a loophole. Is that necessarily something to be proud of? Probably not, but I am (just a little bit). Everybody's good at something. I'm good at telling people what they need to hear in time of trial, and what they want to hear when I can't really help them.
Have you ever figured out what your love language is? Funny side note: just cuz it's called a love language doesn't mean you only use it with your spouse/significant other. It just means how you convey your emotions towards people; it's how you best communicate. My wife is quality time. If she's upset with you, she doesn't want to be anywhere around you. If she's really happy with me, or needing some extra loving, she'll want to sit next to me - not even to talk sometimes, just to be with me. I totally don't get that, but I'm words. I like to talk. WHAT?!?!?! You? Talk? Never! Yes, it's true, I use words. That's why I enjoy doing this whole blog thing and I don't really care if no one responds, just cause I'm getting my thoughts out and I like to pretend that someone is reading them and maybe enjoying them. I do enjoy the occasional response, and when I get negative ones (like today), I like to respond and hopefully fix the problem. Understanding your love language (LL) is really important when it comes to making/keeping friends, because you can look for people that will be able to communicate on your level. I love talking with other words people, because we can bond or whatever. It also really helps with your spouse, because if you can communicate it to them, they'll know how to show you love. It's even more important the other way around. If you can figure out what your spouse's LL is, it will revolutionize your marriage. You can do the smallest gestures, and they will love it. Melissa can walk in the house, say "I love you baby," and not even stay in the same room with me, but I immediately feel loved for the rest of the evening. If, on the other hand, she comes in and sits next to me while I'm on the computer and she reads a book, I feel completely ignored. See what I mean? Now, that's just an example, because we do know each other's LL's, so we've gotten really great at communicating. You should look into it if you get a chance.
Have you ever been to one of those websites that shows how many sodas it takes to kill you? it's kind of morbid, but I think it's funny. Take this for example: I could drink 266.34 cans of Dr. Pepper before croaking. Here's the link for it: http://www.energyfiend.com/death-by-caffeine/ . It also does like certain kinds of candy, too. Just something good to do if you're bored or something.
Read today that the most births in one family was 69 children to one woman. OOOOOOOWWWW!!!!!!!!! That's ridiculous. Check this out: The world record for having the most number of children officially recorded is 69 by the first of two wives of Feodor Vassilyev (1707-1782), a peasant from Shuya, 150 miles east of Moscow. In 27 confinements, she gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets and four sets of quadruplets. The children were born between 1725-1765.
How's everyone doing today? It's friday, tomorrow's saturday, glory be! How's your week been? Long, right? Yeah, me too.
So any, melissa's morning sickness started. So far it's just in the morning, and once she eats lunch, she's ok, but that's still not encouraging. What is encouraging is that two of her friends got morning sickness all day every day for most of their pregnancy. Stinks for them, but it means she could be a lot worse off. We're looking forward to this coming Tuesday. It's our fisst doctor's visit for da baby. I don't remember all the stuff we get to find out, but it's exciting. Melissa's got this one website that tells her how big the baby is, and right now it's like the sixe of a lima bean I think. The heart already started pumping, too. Not much to say today. Sorry to disappoint you. Later,
So any, melissa's morning sickness started. So far it's just in the morning, and once she eats lunch, she's ok, but that's still not encouraging. What is encouraging is that two of her friends got morning sickness all day every day for most of their pregnancy. Stinks for them, but it means she could be a lot worse off. We're looking forward to this coming Tuesday. It's our fisst doctor's visit for da baby. I don't remember all the stuff we get to find out, but it's exciting. Melissa's got this one website that tells her how big the baby is, and right now it's like the sixe of a lima bean I think. The heart already started pumping, too. Not much to say today. Sorry to disappoint you. Later,
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Happy August!
This is the first and last time the date will ever be August 1, 2007. DUH. Anyway, lots of birthdays this month. My friends Alison and Seth, my coworker Linda, my late Great-Grandmother, myself, and I think a couple other people I know as well, but those are just off the top of my head. Someone's having a baby today, so congratulations to you. The year is moving way too quickly. The days move slowly, but the months fly by. School starts this month. Yuck. For those of you out there who actually enjoy school, you're weird. Sorry, but it's true.
So, Wednesday, the mid-week, Hump Day (still not sure why people call it that) is finally here. Seemed like there was a lot more traffic today than usual. Whatever.
Saw a couple interesting things in the news today. Seems they think they've found a cure for blindness! Yeah, this fish supposedly has the ability to restore damaged retinas. Sounds great, just put a couple of these in your bathwater at night, stick your head underwater for a few minutes, and you'll come out with 20/20 vision after three weeks! Yeah, that's not really how they put it, but my version is better. Also saw that Nicole Richie has decided to have a baby with her boyfriend. Oh that's just great. "Yeah, we're gonna have a baby, but we don't feel the need to get married. That way, after a couple years when my boyfriend finds someone cuter than me he can just leave me with the kid." What's really sad about that is "she's decided to have a baby." Ya know what? You don't have a choice. You get pregnant, you have the baby. If you're such a horrible person that you don't wanna deal with a baby, you give it up for adoption. Under NO circumstances do you Not have the baby. Children are a gift from God. And you know what? If you're not married, and you get pregnant, that means you were sleeping around and you shouldn't have been doing that in the first place! So it serves you right that you get pregnant. "But, oh, it's going to ruin my social life!" Umm, ya think?! You know what the best way to avoid getting pregnant is? DON"T HAVE SEX BEFORE YOU GET MARRIED. It's that simple. It is literally impossible to get pregnant if you don't have sex. And another thing, I get so sick of people treating kids like a hassle. "Oh, children are such a burden, you should really wait till you've lived your life before you have kids, cuz you won't be able to do anything fun after kids." AAAAAGH!!! You're stupid if you think having kids isn't fun. Kids are awesome. Except teenagers, they're kinda weird. Ugh, how can you think of another human being as a burden? It's disgusting.
Moving on...soapbox time finished. Actually, this post is finished, I've run out of stuff to talk about for now. Later,
So, Wednesday, the mid-week, Hump Day (still not sure why people call it that) is finally here. Seemed like there was a lot more traffic today than usual. Whatever.
Saw a couple interesting things in the news today. Seems they think they've found a cure for blindness! Yeah, this fish supposedly has the ability to restore damaged retinas. Sounds great, just put a couple of these in your bathwater at night, stick your head underwater for a few minutes, and you'll come out with 20/20 vision after three weeks! Yeah, that's not really how they put it, but my version is better. Also saw that Nicole Richie has decided to have a baby with her boyfriend. Oh that's just great. "Yeah, we're gonna have a baby, but we don't feel the need to get married. That way, after a couple years when my boyfriend finds someone cuter than me he can just leave me with the kid." What's really sad about that is "she's decided to have a baby." Ya know what? You don't have a choice. You get pregnant, you have the baby. If you're such a horrible person that you don't wanna deal with a baby, you give it up for adoption. Under NO circumstances do you Not have the baby. Children are a gift from God. And you know what? If you're not married, and you get pregnant, that means you were sleeping around and you shouldn't have been doing that in the first place! So it serves you right that you get pregnant. "But, oh, it's going to ruin my social life!" Umm, ya think?! You know what the best way to avoid getting pregnant is? DON"T HAVE SEX BEFORE YOU GET MARRIED. It's that simple. It is literally impossible to get pregnant if you don't have sex. And another thing, I get so sick of people treating kids like a hassle. "Oh, children are such a burden, you should really wait till you've lived your life before you have kids, cuz you won't be able to do anything fun after kids." AAAAAGH!!! You're stupid if you think having kids isn't fun. Kids are awesome. Except teenagers, they're kinda weird. Ugh, how can you think of another human being as a burden? It's disgusting.
Moving on...soapbox time finished. Actually, this post is finished, I've run out of stuff to talk about for now. Later,
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