May I just say that if you have a problem with my dog type ahem (Michael), How can you not love this face?
I received an interesting comment on the last post, so I thought maybe I'd respond to it. I was so happy to receive a couple comments answering my request yesterday, so the least I can do is acknowledge them. Someone commented on how I'm always eager for Friday to arrive. But why? Why do we spend the entire week yearning for it to end? Why rush through life so quickly? My default answer would be to get away from the office. For those of you that work in an office, or any full time job, or any stressful job, you know what I'm talking about. Not to exclude everyone else. I am quite sure that everyone has something that happens only or mainly during the week, and they view the weekend as a break. Certainly it is a break, but my friend's comment is making me think about a change in my viewpoint. Perhaps we should look to earning the weekend. I look at the weekend as my right to relax; a real chance to do whatever I want that has nothing to do with my normal work week. Maybe it's not a right... God never says to work five days and rest two. Genesis says he worked 6 days and rested on the seventh. Maybe He half-expects us to do the same? Maybe for those of us restricted to working five days a week, the weekend has been given to us as a blessing? And you know what else? I don't really know how much it helps to look forward to the weekend so eagerly right now. I'm only twenty-two years old. I have probably the next thirty-five to forty years to work at least. What good will it do me if I spend all 1,950 weeks looking forward to the next? It will go by quick as lightning, and at the end I will be left with...what? Another weekend, and another week to follow it. Maybe I should start looking to the day in front of me, and search for a way to live my life better that day. Maybe I should be looking for a way to glorify and honor God during my day. Not to say I don't do that already, but maybe to make it my passion instead of just a passing thought.
Here's another question. What do you do when people praise your talents? Say you are a phenomenal dancer, like you were born with extra talent most people don't have, and everything just seems to come easy to you. What do you do when people insist upon praising you for it, and making it known to their friends? Let me make something clear real quick, I am using a hypothetical example. I cannot dance, do not wish to dance, just...no. It's an example. But how do you respond? You can't just say, "no, you're wrong, I don't have any talent in that area," because that's obviously not true, but on the other hand, you don't want to respond with "yeah, no kidding, I'm the best one out there, did you see my moves?" Where's the balance? How do you acknowledge their praise without seeming hot-headed?
Did you know that Google gives you an insane amount of storage space? Yeah, 2888 MB! That's over 2 GB of storage space! You know how many KB that is? almost 3 MILLION. To explain how huge that is, a normal email is around 10-15 KB. Divided out, that would be about 200,000 emails. Where are you gonna need to store 200,000 emails? How are you even going to remember the first 3000 by the time you get to 10,000? How insanely huge is that? I hope I never have that many emails to go through. Can you imagine how long it would take to find one email? I shudder to think of it.
Well my little sister is finally heading off to college! She's 18, fresh out of highschool, and heading off to LeTourneau University in Longview, TX on Monday! I wanted to attend that school, but it didn't work out for me, so I'm totally floored that it worked out for her. She'll love it up there. They even get snow sometimes! That is a big thing, cuz it just doesn't do that here. We had a little party for her last night, that was fun. It's a good thing Melissa is pregnant, because my mother will need something to obsess over with Bethany gone. Yeah, she'll only be like 4 hours away, but that's a long time. Actually, I think it may be longer, but I haven't been there in 3 years, so how I am supposed to remember? Whatever, I think she'll have a great time. It's weird to have her going off to college, cuz it seems too early. It seems weird for her to be growing up, because it seems like so long ago that I was that age, and plus she's always been my little sister, so it doesn't seem like she's old enough. I remember when I was that age (duh, four years ago, I BETTER be able to remember that), and I was kinda freaked out about being out on my own in a strange place. Yeah, I was excited about getting out of my parents house and away from all the rules, but you know what happens when you get away from your parents' rules? You get to meet all the World's rules. FUN FUn Fun fun. yeah, NOT. Of course, it won't be quite so bad, because she won't be living on campus. That's good though, cuz you gotta watch out for all those computer nerds - never know what they'll do to you. :) just kidding, but seriously, watch out. Anyway, better get back to work. Later,
Here's another question. What do you do when people praise your talents? Say you are a phenomenal dancer, like you were born with extra talent most people don't have, and everything just seems to come easy to you. What do you do when people insist upon praising you for it, and making it known to their friends? Let me make something clear real quick, I am using a hypothetical example. I cannot dance, do not wish to dance, just...no. It's an example. But how do you respond? You can't just say, "no, you're wrong, I don't have any talent in that area," because that's obviously not true, but on the other hand, you don't want to respond with "yeah, no kidding, I'm the best one out there, did you see my moves?" Where's the balance? How do you acknowledge their praise without seeming hot-headed?
Did you know that Google gives you an insane amount of storage space? Yeah, 2888 MB! That's over 2 GB of storage space! You know how many KB that is? almost 3 MILLION. To explain how huge that is, a normal email is around 10-15 KB. Divided out, that would be about 200,000 emails. Where are you gonna need to store 200,000 emails? How are you even going to remember the first 3000 by the time you get to 10,000? How insanely huge is that? I hope I never have that many emails to go through. Can you imagine how long it would take to find one email? I shudder to think of it.
Well my little sister is finally heading off to college! She's 18, fresh out of highschool, and heading off to LeTourneau University in Longview, TX on Monday! I wanted to attend that school, but it didn't work out for me, so I'm totally floored that it worked out for her. She'll love it up there. They even get snow sometimes! That is a big thing, cuz it just doesn't do that here. We had a little party for her last night, that was fun. It's a good thing Melissa is pregnant, because my mother will need something to obsess over with Bethany gone. Yeah, she'll only be like 4 hours away, but that's a long time. Actually, I think it may be longer, but I haven't been there in 3 years, so how I am supposed to remember? Whatever, I think she'll have a great time. It's weird to have her going off to college, cuz it seems too early. It seems weird for her to be growing up, because it seems like so long ago that I was that age, and plus she's always been my little sister, so it doesn't seem like she's old enough. I remember when I was that age (duh, four years ago, I BETTER be able to remember that), and I was kinda freaked out about being out on my own in a strange place. Yeah, I was excited about getting out of my parents house and away from all the rules, but you know what happens when you get away from your parents' rules? You get to meet all the World's rules. FUN FUn Fun fun. yeah, NOT. Of course, it won't be quite so bad, because she won't be living on campus. That's good though, cuz you gotta watch out for all those computer nerds - never know what they'll do to you. :) just kidding, but seriously, watch out. Anyway, better get back to work. Later,
It's awesome that I just made one little comment and you wrote like a page about it... haha. Actually, I think it's totally okay to enjoy the time you have off. That's what I do. I mean, I don't get the weekends off, so I just enjoy the time I do get off where I'm able to just hang out, learn a little more about God, etc etc. That's what God intended with the one day of rest anyway. We all just need a break and a time where we can reflect on our week and just see wehre everything is going.
Yeah, life is a balancing act. I would just respond with a "Thanks". You can't really say anything else. haha.
Anyway, it's good to see I sparked up a whole bunch of discussion. haha. Kidding.
Great change of attitude about weekends. I've been wondering about that too.
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