Monday, January 28, 2008
So yesterday was fun, we went to Brandon Hamburg and Liz Knoll (now Hamburg)'s wedding. It was very short and sweet, and then the reception was awesome. I will say this though - I don't appreciate that open bar as much now as I did then. No, I didn't get drunk, but I did fall asleep by 9:15 at home last night. Pretty nice evening though - I even danced with Melissa for a dance. I had to call it quits when they started doing more than just slow dancing. I don't know how to do anything else, and have never brought myself to learn. Oh well.
So back at work today. How was your weekend? I hope you found something fun to do. I think next weekend we're going to just be spontaneous and pick an activity. I know it kind of defeats the purpose of saying "spontaneous" if you're planning it, so we'll just not plan anything till we wake up. Fun fun fun.
I don't know that I really have that much to say today - I just wanted to counter balance the negativity I sensed in the last post. I hope you have a great day, whoever you are. Later,
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Weekend's here, having fun yet?
Monday, January 21, 2008
Fun at Four

Friday, January 18, 2008

Russian Internet chatrooms were buzzing late Wednesday after local news agencies reported that "an unidentified flying object dropped two bombs near Moscow."
A defense ministry official told Reuters two rockets had gone astray during a military exercise near Moscow Wednesday afternoon. One hit the roof of an unoccupied house 3.5 km (2.2 miles) away.
"The damage is estimated at 60,000 rubles ($2,466). It will be compensated for in two days," said Yevgeny Konashenkov, spokesman for Russian land troops. "The owner of the house treats the incident with understanding. He has no legal claims."
Luckily for the nearby compound of cottage houses, the rockets disconnected at launch from the load of explosives they normally carry to clear minefields.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Slight Overkill on the Gun Control

Yes that's the whole thing. We're talking deck of cards, here. In fact, I think the trigger lock weighs the same amount as the gun does.

Here's a good way to tell how small that gun is. The bullet on the right is a .40 JHP made by Cor-Bon. That's what I typically keep in my Glock. The bullet on the left is a .25 JHP made by Speer, and yes, that's what goes in that little gun. Yes, that is a guitar pick (roughly the size of a quarter) to demonstrate just how small those little bullets are. Tiiiiiny.
Read a good quote today. "If you have to call 911, it's probably already too late." That pretty much sums up the reason most people carry concealed weapons. Makes sense, say someone is trying to mug you. You can't say, "hang on for a sec while I call the cops," but you can pull out your legally concealed firearm and scare them off, or if need be, defend yourself in a very incapacitating manner.
So what's up? We have another ultrasound scheduled today. I tell ya, if the doctor's office wasn't paying for these, I'd be broke. Oh well.
Anywho, only an hour and a half left in this workday, so I'll ttyl. Maybe I'll post some ultrasound pics up here later.
Monday, January 7, 2008

So Melissa's sister Morgan gets back from 4 months in England tomorrow. It seems like forever that she's been gone - we all missed her I think... Yeah we did.
Man, traffic today was AWFUL on the way to work. I spent almost 15 minutes in bumper-to-bumper traffic. That doesn't sound bad unless you consider that my whole drive is usually 15 minutes, and bumper-to-bumper means I'm walking the bike. That's tiring.
Anyway, I have lots to get done, so this is all for today. Later.
Friday, January 4, 2008

Thursday, January 3, 2008
Again, been forever...
So I talked about Christmas right? Lots of good stuff. Hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday season. Was New Year's good for you? Lots of fireworks and merriment? Good, cuz you won't get another holiday for like five months!! HA HA HA. Yeah, that's one bad thing about our years, they didn't balance out the holidays very well, so at the end of the year you get like four or five and the beginning of the year has none. Who designed it that way? Oh well, no sense crying over it now. I had a pretty nice New Year's Eve...ning. It was COLD though! Brrrr!! Then again, if you compare my ride to work this morning with the temperature on Monday night, that was a sauna! It was 29 degrees out the door today! You know what that is with the wind chill? TEN DEGREES!!!! Yikes is right. My fingers are still cold and I've been at work with a cup of coffee since 7:30. I even wore four layers. I am officially ready for it to be hot again. 90 degrees would be great. Now that I talk about hot weather, some of these layers are getting hot. Be back in a minute...
Ok, feeling much better now. So really, what's up with you? Seen any good movies? The last two movies I went to were pretty good. Good thing too, cuz I saw them both twice. I Am Legend and National Treasure 2. NT2 wasn't as good as IAL, but it was still good.
I think I had too much time off. I had six days with no work, and now I REALLY don't want to be back. Oh well. Know what's crazy? I took off all my layers earlier, and now I'm freezing again, and I have to go put some back on. Maybe not all of them, but at least one layer. Sheesh. I'm going now. I'll try to post again tomorrow. Later.