Yes that's the whole thing. We're talking deck of cards, here. In fact, I think the trigger lock weighs the same amount as the gun does.

Here's a good way to tell how small that gun is. The bullet on the right is a .40 JHP made by Cor-Bon. That's what I typically keep in my Glock. The bullet on the left is a .25 JHP made by Speer, and yes, that's what goes in that little gun. Yes, that is a guitar pick (roughly the size of a quarter) to demonstrate just how small those little bullets are. Tiiiiiny.
Read a good quote today. "If you have to call 911, it's probably already too late." That pretty much sums up the reason most people carry concealed weapons. Makes sense, say someone is trying to mug you. You can't say, "hang on for a sec while I call the cops," but you can pull out your legally concealed firearm and scare them off, or if need be, defend yourself in a very incapacitating manner.
So what's up? We have another ultrasound scheduled today. I tell ya, if the doctor's office wasn't paying for these, I'd be broke. Oh well.
Anywho, only an hour and a half left in this workday, so I'll ttyl. Maybe I'll post some ultrasound pics up here later.
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