So, (ominous music playing) ever been woken up at four A.M. to someone jiggling your door handle? Yeah, it's not as fun as it sounds. Then again, if you think that sounds fun, there is something majorly wrong with you. Seek help. No seriously, go find help. Pay good money. Anywho, back on topic, someone did that this morning. It was weird too, because I was having a kind of cool dream about someone breaking in and me beating the crud out of them. I will be totally honest here, when I heard the door handle moving, my bravery disappeared like cheap beer at a bachelor party. You may think, "don't worry, I would have been scared too," but I'm supposed to be the brave one who protects my family. My first thought was, "don't worry, you're still dreaming." When it happened again a few seconds later, my second thought was, "crap, I gotta go out there and check it out." So, with gun and giant Mag Light, I cleared my apartment. Thankfully no one was there. I would hate to hurt someone, and hollow points are expensive and I don't feel like buying more right now. Yes, that was me sounding tough to offset my aforementioned loss of bravery in the face of possible danger. I got to thinking today, what would have happened if there was someone in the apartment or trying to get into the apartment? The (hopefully) obvious answer is first call 911. But what if they make it inside before the cops get here? Time for Dane the Fearless to respond. That's a sucky feeling. Yeah, I'm positive I could easily put a 140 grain Cor-Bon DPX hollow point directly between their eyes, but I have no desire to. Why would you ever purposely kill someone? So all that to say, it's a tough spot to be in if someone is trying to gain entry into your home. So that was freaky, and the end to our peaceful sleep. Rest of the day went fine except for the rain on the way home. Veeeeery wet. Tomorrow I'm going to look at shotguns and big locking bolts (bolts for the door and shotgun for me). Shotguns are nice for home defense because even if someone makes it into your home, you can just pump a round into your shotgun, and they'll leave. A) because they don't know how big of a gauge you have, and B) they don't know what kind of mean crap you have in there. Some people sell some pretty mean loads for 12 gauge shotguns.
What's going on with you this week? Any movies you seen lately? Let me know.
Sad but semi-true proof you're getting old. It's 9:40 at night, and I'm going to bed. I bid you good evening. Later,
Further proof we're getting old: when you posted this at 9:40pm, your wife had already been sound asleep for half an hour!!
Nothing wrong with that...at 9:40, we were asking ourselves..."The baby has been asleep for two hours...why are we wasting this time?"
So... I guess you didnt answer the door then???
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