Anyone do fireworks last night? Were they just
so amazing? Yeah ok whatever. We did some. Coulda done more, but just didn't feel like spending the money. Food was good though - went over to the in-laws. Always good food (partly cuz it's free). My wife and I spent literally half our day yesterday in bed. We didn't get out of bed 'till noon, and even then, we only got up long enough to cook breakfast, and then we went back to bed for another three hours. It was pretty nice. I'm thinking I probably could have gotten up and done stuff, but it wouldn't have been very fun alone, so I didn't. .......anyway........
So, anybody read the news this morning? Check this thing out - Zebrula. Half zebra, half horse. Supposedly, these things have been around since the 1800's but this one is special because it's
coat is disctinctly split between zebra and horse hair. I think it looks weird. Just plain weird. Not cute, not necessarily ugly, but very weird. I think scientists should stop messing around with creatures and stop trying to play God. Humans weren't meant to be creators like that. Our stuff comes out weird and messed up - like this poor thing. Now, if someone wanted to mix a Great Dane with a Chihuahua, THAT I would pay money to see. A three foot-long body on three inch-long legs. Golf ball-sized head with pancake-sized ears. Good grief - this is also why I'm not a scientist person, cuz I would make some weird crap. So coming to work today has made me ask yet again, why don't they just give us the rest of this week off? Who really wants to come back to work after having Wednesday off? Still two more days to go! It's like a second Monday, and nobody appreciates that. Did you see that Rush Hour 3 is coming out in August? My wife and I are gonna go see it when it comes out for my birthday. That will be very very fun. Neither Jackie Chan or Chris Tucker are that funny by themselves, but with the right script, they can be hilarious together. We are all waiting with baited breath for the arrival of Speck Singleton! (I know his real name, but I'm not allowed to say it). He was supposed to come out last friday, and he's being stubborn. Of course, who am I to speak; I was a week and a half late. I think the person most ready for him to come out is his mommy. She would love to be able to do normal things again like paint her toenails, and fit into most of her shirts again, and all those things us unpregnant people take for granted. Let's all hope that he comes out soon! We're all also hoping he doesn't come out on a special day. We missed out on July 4th, and I think the parents are hoping he's not born on 07-07-07. That would be kiiiiinda cool, but only for so long. My wife's birthday is coming up soon too. She'll finally turn 21 on the 15th. I can finally take her clubbing!! Ha ha, just kidding, I've never set foot in a club, and I don't care if I ever do, unless it's as a Law Enforcement officer stopping a fight. Hee hee, high-power pepper spray. Sooooo much fun. Nah, seriously though, I'm getting her a . What? You actually thought I was gonna tell you? No no no no no. She reads this blog. Honey, I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna spoil the suprise. Besides, she always guesses what I'm getting her anyway. I'm sure this post has gone on for too long already, so I'll end it.$
1 comment:
hey Dane! Long time no talk...and yes, that is a weird lookin animal. Hey Melissa is just two days younger than me :-) I hope you guys are doin well!
Kari (Miller)
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