I'm into alliteration and I don't know why. Oh well. So google has this thing you can do now that's almost like a game. It gives you a time limit and a partner that you don't know and can't communicate with. It then shows you pictures and has you start putting in suggestions until the two of you duplicate an answer. For example, if it put up a picture of alaska, you might say, "state," "alaska," "cold," etc. It keeps going until you and your partner have guessed the same word. Once you get that picture you get another one and you keep going till you run out of time. it's fun too because you get points, i'm just not sure how. Anyway, you're wondering where I'm going with this. At the end, it shows you the pictures you worked on, and it shows your partener's words. I just thought this one was funny. I couldn't tell what the picture was, and apparently my partner couldn't either:
Partner's guesses:computer, chat, wtf is it, i cant see it, omg, i hate you googleI just thought his/her answers better reflected our frustration than my guess of "website."
Anyway, I'm pretty sure you have to be really bored to find it entertaining, but if you want to do it, go here:
http://images.google.com/imagelabeler/ and enjoy.
So other than that, Friday's going normally, I'm still at work, and probably will be till 5:30 or 6. I'll try to update my Facebook tonight for those of you that care. Later,
LOL that is so funny.
Err, interesting...
I know that I'm lame...but I LIKE that game. LOL...
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