Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Hullo, Hello, Hallo!

Good morning and good day to you! It is Wednesday, in case you hadn't noticed. I'm trying to be positive about today and stay in good spirits, and so far it's working! It also helps that I'm counting down the hours until I can leave, and updating it every half hour makes time fly by! How is your week going so far? I hope it's going well. The first couple days of this week weren't so great, but what Monday is ever that great? Unless of course any of my children are ever born on a monday, that wouldn't be so bad.

Speaking of children, we had another doctor's appointment yesterday and everything seems to be going fine. The baby is growing normally, as is Melissa's tummy, but she's looking pregnant, so it's so adorable. We get to go back in three weeks for a check up, and three weeks after that we'll find out whether it's a boy or girl!

So I had a bright idea yesterday... I say I had because, well, it "it was a good plan...until now." That's from POTC 1, for all you unsalty people. Garr. Anyway, I got a facebook last week, and I've been going through finding people I used to know. I've found 25 or 26 people so far, and last night I got the bright idea of poking all of them to see who would poke back. And it's great too, because I get the messages on my cell phone so I don't even have to be at a computer! Problem is, everyone poked back...all through the night. I think the last text message I got was at 2:30, which is almost funny, because my wife jokingly predicted that I would. On the other hand, I guess it's nice to know that people check their Facebook often, so if for some reason I needed to contact somebody, I could do it pretty quickly.

Don't get me wrong - I like Facebook now that I've found several people. What surprises me is that people keep finding me. It's cool when people find you, because doesn't that mean they wanted to find you? I mean, it seems to me like you'd have to be looking for them. Unless they were looking through their friends' friends list, saw you, and figured "hey, what the heck, ADD." I dunno. What will be more interesting, I think, is how many people I "know" on Facebook are actually interested in staying connected, or whether they just want a longer friends list than everyone else. I suppose that remains to be seen.

I do have one sad thing to point out about this post - I started writing it almost four hours ago. I keep getting interrupted, but then again, that's probably because I'm at work. I better go. Later,



Anonymous said...

haha, I'm going to start poking you when I wake up, at like 1-2 am your time! You're kind of a Facebook nerd...

I know what you mean about counting the hours. In biology, I used to draw a circle for every *minute* and tick it off when the minute was over. Shish.

Anonymous said...

Yeah man, Facebook is awesome...