So today's been normal - worked, had some coffee, went to lunch, ate waaay too much, worked some more, talked to people... Oh, have you ever watched or read The Phantom Tollbooth? If you are my wife, you're probably sick of hearing about it, but I got to thinking about it last week, and last night I found it on YouTube. That's right, I found the entire movie. Of course, it was in fourteen different parts, but it's the whole thing. It's from 1969, so if you go look it up, don't expect a work of art. It's pretty good though. Watched it for the first time like ten or twelve years ago, and I can't remember why I started thinking of it again, but I did, so there. See? Again with the shaking of the head. I told you.
Did you see the news story about the cop up north who killed six people? Someone said it was over a girlfriend or something immature and stupid like that. Couple things about that. First, he was only 20. Why was he on the force that young? I know there's not a lot of difference between twenty and twenty-one, but it's still something. Also, though it makes me sick to read the story, it makes me even sicker to see that it was a cop. Law Enforcement in America is already given a hard enough time about tasers and "police brutality." Was it worth killing people to get back at his girlfriend or whoever? No it wasn't. Crazy, stupid, messed up world we live in.
Kinda hard to believe it's already October. Doing anything for Halloween? We're not. Well, ok, I take that back, I am going to Walmart the day afterwards to take advantage of all the cheap candy, but other than that, we're not doing anything. I don't really have a point to make with that, just thought I'd mention it while I'm typing the rest of this pointless crap. Speaking of crap, if you want to cure someone of fast food, have them watch Fast Food Nation. Don't watch it with them because it's gross. Don't tell them it's gross either, unless you know they'll come beat you up for not warning them. Also not a good movie for pregnant people to watch since they're already nauseous enough.
Right, so I thought I'd check the public opinion by doing a simple Google search. I typed in
"crazy people," and this was the second picture that popped up. That's Michael Jackson if you can't tell. You gotta wonder sometimes about people, cuz you see what they'll do just to stay in the spotlight. What makes them want to do that? Is there reason behind Britney's madness or OJ's "innocence?" I don't think there possibly could be. It's funny, too, (well, sorta) cuz if you look at the weirdest people in the world, most of them started off just fine. Perhaps they just started off too soon in the spotlight. The Olsen twins and Lindsay Lohan strike me right off the bat. They were famous sooo early, that by the time they came into all their money and popularity, it was just too much to handle, and they crashed. Lindsay Lohan has literally crashed several times, but we won't go into that. I used to think I wanted to be a movie star, but can you imagine how awful that must be? They can't do anything without a camera or ten spying on them! Yeah, I get upset sometimes because they're way overpaid, but I feel so sorry for them at the same time, because they have no private life! What makes Americans so desperate to know everything about JT or Britney or J-Lo? Personally, my life is way too interesting and busy to be obsessed with celebrities. Ok, off that soapbox now.

Well, I've only got one hour left to go at work, so I'm stopping now. Later,
I've never heard of The Phantom Tollbooth. lol.
Nope, I don't think I have anything planned on Halloween, though, it happens to fall on a Wednesday this year(a church night), so I suppose my church is doing something and I'll be attending.
Yeah I don't understand why people are so obsessed with celebrities. I don't watch TV anymore. It's just boring and a waste of time. I guess there are still movies, though too, and I haven't seen many of those lately either.
hahah dane dane dane!!!! Youre little michael jackson bit was so funny. I laughed so hard I nearly peed my pants...seriously! hahaha. It was so good too see you and to meet youre super cute wife on sunday! Hopefully maybe we can all get together and do something soon?
LOL the part that cracked me up is when you say "my life is way to interesting and busy to be obsessed with celebrities"...well, all right then.
20 year olds irresponsible? Have you ever heard of the US ARMY!? There are twenty year olds that are in command of tanks. Some of them are even close to re-enlistment. So if you think 20 year olds are irresponsible, then you should meet the men and women of the US armed forces.
i believe that to be the most scathing comment i've received on this blog to date. I suppose I knew they'd come eventually, what with me putting my opinion up on the web almost every day. I don't think that every 20 year old is irresponsible, but a lot of them are today just because they have no reason to be. i'm not saying it's their fault. if no one expects anything from you at a certain age, why should you feel called to impress them? Just sayin...
Yup, you're right Dane. They don't have any reason to be, so they usually, therefore, aren't. But I'm not 20 yet, so I can't be irresponsible. =)
Actually, when I read that about 20 year olds, I thought about James....he graduated from the police academy at age 20, y'know. Even you have been head of a household since age 20. I've been either semi- or fully supporting myself since I turned 16.
You do have a valid point though, Dane. We've had this conversation before. Most people our age aren't adults. I'm trying to word this carefully, so I don't sound high-n-mighty, but I really believe that we're an exception to the norm. James & Lynne too. Young soldiers too. It's just my opinion, but I really believe the majority of twenty-somethings out there wouldn't consider themselves fully mature.
"but I really believe the majority of twenty-somethings out there wouldn't consider themselves fully mature."
Yeah, you're right. And I feel that way too. I'll be 20 in a few months, so I'm really not a 20-something just yet. Anyway, the reason we don't is because we're(the most of us) in this weird transition stage between being out of school(assuming said person is in college/school) and really just figuring out life. I've talked to so many people who have had awesome plans of doing something and they just fell through. It's happened to me too. Anyway, it's just a process of redisocvering life, readapting, and seeing where your priorities lie. I would also agree that y'all(James, Liss, Dane, and Lynne) really aren't the norm of those said persons. But I imagine y'all are also in a similar position of just figuring stuff out.
Anyway, that was long... hah.
Yup, I pretty much take one day at a time...sometimes it's so weird to think that I'm a wife and mom.
oops... I think my comment was taken the wrong way. I misread your blog. I thought you were saying that some news station was saying he was too young. A coworker and I had a conversation about this before your post. I was not trying to open a can of worms. :)
That's okay James. You gave us something to talk about.
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