Yeah so I finally bought my motorcycle on Saturday! It's a 2008 Honda Rebel and it's black. It had 2.7 miles on it when I drove it off the lot. Very nice bike. Yes, it is the lowest power you can safely by in a motorcycle, but it's my first bike so I'm ok with it. For those of you worried about why I didn't buy a used bike, I can send you the 30 page list of things to inspect before buying a used bike, and you have to be a mechanic to check some of that. Oy. Anywho, drove it around a lot on Saturday and Sunday and drove it to work today. It's a lot different than it looks - it's not easy. Yeah, you get used to doing things like shifting and braking with your hand
and your foot, but it's constant attention - no slacking like in a car. I'm not trying to insult all you car drivers, but I'm saying that I can't like take my eyes off the road or just sit at a stop light and fiddle with stuff or deal with other people, or be
on my cell phone. Can't do it. Not saying I'm better than you, just saying it's different.

Anyway, how was your weekend? Mine was obviously pretty quick. See any movies? There isn't much out to see. I can't believe
Bourne Ultimatum and Rush Hour 3 are still in theaters!! I know they were good, but that good? I dunno about that.
So yeah, I mostly just wanted to say I got my bike and I'm gonna be super careful. Gotta go. Later,
1 comment:
All I can think to say is Dane is awesome, but I dunno why.
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