Sooo, couple things to mention, then I'll just type till I get bored or interrupted or bored enough to get interrupted... Hmm.
So anyway, had an interesting evening last night. I volunteer with the Tech Arts ministry at our church when I can, usually doing camera work. James also helps with the Tech team, only he knows how to do almost everything. Everett (the guy in charge) wants us to come over to the new youth building and work tech team over there. I couldn't figure out why at first. He said he needs people over there to push the quality up. Right now, they're working with the same equipment as the adult building, but the quality level of production is lacking. Like I said, I only do camera work, so James had to teach me a lot of stuff last night. I learned a whole lot, though, and feel comfortable using what he showed me. I'd need more training before I started using the same equipment at the big building just because there are more eyes watching, and even more important, more experienced eyes. We had a couple rough spots last night, but what we helped to put out was apparently lots better than what they've been getting, so that was encouraging to us. I had a good time learning and seeing how things work.
Thing-to-talk-about number Two. I read a news article this morning that and European company is coming out with a gum that's not sticky! I'll give you a minute to recover from that.......... Enough time? I know. Now I'm thinking a couple things. First, what?? Second, who actually put time and energy into that thought? Seriously, who just suddenly says, "I think gum shouldn't be sticky anymore...I'll change it!"? It must be a big problem in the UK, because they spend like three million a year cleaning gum off the streets and park benches and stuff. What are they doing to clean it off? Does it cost $1000 to pay someone to run a paint scraper down the underside of your tables? If so, I'd take that job. It'd pay better than what I do now. There are a few problems with this gum though. The biggest fault I'm seeing? It's water soluble. Enjoy your gum, but don't take a sip of water, cuz there goes your gum. Who thought up that idea? And, how can it be water soluble, but your spit doesn't dissolve it? Sounds a little fishy to me. Speaking of fishy, wouldn't it be a great practical joke if someone could create bad-tasting gum that looks normal? Can you imagine if there was someone you didn't really like, or someone you just wanted to play a joke on. You give them a piece of gum, they start chewing it, and realize it tastes like green beans, or sweaty socks, or fish sticks or ooh, pepto bismol? That would be funny. Of course, you'd have to keep track of which pack of gum that was, cuz it wouldn't be a funny self-inflicted joke.

Believe it or not, I think I'm out of stuff to say for now, so, later.
Thingamabobber! Just thought I'd throw that out there.
I hope you and James had a great sounds like it can only get better. *grin*
Dane congratulations on the future little one!!! That is soooo exciting. Man I havent talked to you in a good while. Glad that God has blessed you with a beautiful wife a little baby!!! Hey I also have a blog. Comment it if you like. Later! Keep in touch.
I heard a radio interview this morning on my way to work. KSBJ had the psychologist author of the new book, "Lost in Translation" on. (I only quoted the title b/c comments won't allow italics or underlines, just FYI) One of the things he said was the men are like boxes and women are like rubber bands. Meaning, men compartmentalize things. They are literally in one box at a time. Whereas women can flit back and forth between box to box, almost constantly...he had a lot of interesting points, I think I may even get a post out of it.
Everyone, just so you know, you can use italics, bold font, and a couple things like that. Look at the note at the bottom of the comment box. Thanks
oh, ok, geez.
I know my comment was random, I should have explained that your second post & pic of the bike you want cracks me up. My point is that you have a one-track mind sometimes. Which is a good thing since I can't seem to focus on less than a dozen things at a time. Love ya! :)
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